What the fuck is happening to Dane Cooks face

1  2019-02-14 by RocketeerJones


Plastic surgery.

looks like him and Carrot Top know the same guy

He’s in serious need of facial hair, looks disgusting

Jesus, he looks like he is melting.

Looks like a wax figure like Ray Liotta. Must be taking Chantix.

I’m dying 😂🤣😂😂😂


I took Chantix and quit. Boom, end of story

We're all gonna wake up one morning and find out Ray brutally murdered his whole family. Guaranteed.

Needs child blood.

This is what happens to people who refuse to age with grace.

He looks like one of the crack heads from The Jersey Shore

Age, alcoholism and plastic surgery.

Yep. He used to not drink. He was on that tour woth Dave Attell, Greg Giraldo, and Sean Rouse and he was a fucking square peg. He didn't drink or do drugs. It looks like he made up for lost time.

It'll be nice to see Dane & Brendan Frasier on the next season of Celebrity Big Brother.

Is that Nanette?

He stole Louie’s face.

Looks like he got a Joel McHale style hair transplant too

Face lift and botox.

He's morphing into Chris Hansen.

He's Irish. He's getting his old man head. It's beautiful time in a mick's life.

No. This isnt Irish fat headedness.

Look at his fucking face dude. It's acrylic and oddly shaped due to some weird fucking surgery or chemicals.

Vain ppl are strange.

This is what Troy Quan will look like in less than 5 years.

5 years? That cliff pusher is already in his 40s.

Not a shotgun blast yet unfortunately

46 years


He's becoming Bobby, it was the fucking tour that's the root of all evil.

went to Mickey Rourke's plastic surgeon

He looks like he got a facelift from the same guy who did Bruce Jenner (RIP)

Did he get hit by a dump truck in Ludlow, Maine?

Did he think that not doing the lipo under the chin would distract from the Robert Blake eye job? No man alive spends more time calculating their appearance more than Dane Cook.

Yeah and he's still ugly

I wanna see the fat guy break his knee man movie



he dates a 20 year old

He looks disgusting, he is also thee biggest pussy on social media. If your comments don't blow sunshine up his ass and act like his relationshit is amazing. He is close to 50 and he tries to do these cute little pouty poses and doing face masks with his daughter. Just barf.