What does the IAP+ mean? If P is pedophile...

1  2019-02-14 by yaseethreeo


...then you can finally feel included?

Intersex, asexual, and pansexual. Still not entirely sure what these mean though

Pansexuals will fuck anything regardless of gender or mental illness.. guys, girls, traps etc. They're basically bi on steroids.

Sounds an awful lot like our boy Jimmy. Specially the annoying part.

It's basically half the chicks on OkCupid

I know asexual, it literally means having absolutely zero interest in sex with anybody ever. Why they think they can take claim of that group is beyond me, they might as well just add an N for normal people if they're just going to include everyone in their club.

Couldn't they just replace the whole thing with an f for faggots?


Has a nice ring to it

Ask Fez Whatley.

Intersex are people born with dubious genitalia. Basically hemaphordites, but that kinda implies having one of each sexual organ, when it’s more likely to be someone born with malformed genitals, something like a micro penis and no balls, or a huge clit with no pussy lips.

Wouldn't all of that fall under the Q?

A sometimes means Ally


Incest ass pirate

At this stage, if there were a pill that would switch off the whole thing in exchange for never having to see or hear about anyone's sexuality ever, I'd take it.

Imagine how terrible those books must be.

All I can say is I’m glad my life isn’t consumed by my sexuality or what I “identify” as. These people make me sick, just get a fucking hobby or something not retarded to consume your time

