The repeated savior of this sub

1  2019-02-13 by Whiplash91

Right when we resort to faggot memes and start bickering with one another about the status of the sub. Joe cumia in all his glory and his inability to handle social media, revives us and unites us. Thank you joe, you fucking retard.


What happened? Is it too late to get in on the laughs?

Him and half the compound retirement bridge league are battling reviews on the james joyce pub and eatery Facebook page. Its still going

So joe is saying he dindunuffin and I'm guessing the members of this sub are releasing a barrage of his moronic posts?

Joe is actually leaving comments on the pubs feedback on genuine separate reviews informing the bar how to recognize genuine reviews. He is a dimwit

We need to start issuing breeding licenses. Nip the Joes of the world in the bud

Their physical deformity is doing a decent job on its own

Down syndrome version of feech lamanna

Feedch LaNana

He's the gift that keeps on giving

He's an enthusiastic taker too.

Its actually kinda boring and uninteresting. Look he wrote a long FB post showing how retarded he is! Now here's another!!

Why are you still here?

Shhh, its a wild cumia, trying to infiltrate this sub. Let's watch it and see what it does!

You guys both really motherfucked me here.


Not a faggot.

*Pissy-eyed faggot, sorry

Words hurt. This one will take time to get over.

They're crying photoshop when given links. Retarded boomers.

If you ever want an absolute moron for a son, name him Joseph. I have never known a smart Joe in my life.

That Mengele guy was a pretty bright bulb

Joe's stupidity is truly, the life blood of this sub.

Nigga got a ribs, hurtin today!

Man fuck you. I like the fact that other people clearly define for me who I should be calling a fag. Those people are doing an important service to this sub. So fag memes shud keep rolling in but we can all call cumia out on his pedo behaviour regardless.

One day when all the dust settles, Joe Cumia will be atop the mountain of skulls sitting on his throne.

This is the way she needs to start blowing. Gas Joes head up so he calls out ant or does something crazy

The faggot posts are decent filler. I don't really mind them. Either way youse guys got a good thing going here.

Joe is so retarded, other regards have acknowledged it and he can freely say "the r word" without any fear of persecution


I started looking up his address on google this afternoon , and got to 55 get and it showed his address as the top result. Gave me a hearty chuckle

I don't understand this sub's obsession with him. Its boring.

Get your kid to school on time you pathetic shitbag.

So we'll mock him. Because he can take it. Because he is a zero. He's a oversharing guardian, a woeful protector. A dark fag

Ant paid joe the $5k to keep this sub alive.

Why are you still here?