2U/Solo Joe/Almost Journey guitarist Joseph Cumia is a pedophile

1  2019-02-13 by JoeCumiaIsaRapist

Is just one of the rumours Joseph Cumia from 2U/Solo Joe/Almost Journey had to dispel on national TV during his people's court appearance.

"JOSEPH CUMIA IS A PEDOPHILE!" and “BROTHER JOE CUMIA IS DEFINITELY A PEDOPHILE" are some of the things posted online that led to his statement that JOE CUMIA IS not A PEDOPHILE.

He just wanted to clear the online rumours that "JOE CUMIA IS A VIOLENT PEDOPHILE" because "COURTROOM SHOCKER. SHOCK JOCK ANTHONY CUMIAS BROTHER FOUND GUILTY OF BEING A PEDOPHILE" isn't what happened on the people's court.

I hope this helps clear things up, I know there's been a lot of misunderstanding over the issue but Joseph Cumia from almost journey is a pedophile. In the minds of the people online saying so.


He never once said he wasn't a pedophile. He just said that people say that about him. Several times. Unprompted.

Well I don't know what to believe anymore.

You know what they say. Where there's smoke, there's a pedophile called Joe.