Brother Joe sues the venues he plays at, runs their name through the mud on national Tv, leaves negative online reviews after the show, and has legions of trolls ruin the reputation of every place he preforms at.

1  2019-02-13 by Antlovessue

Why would any establishment hire him to perform?


I love how the dope points venues to this sub. Like "Hey I'm not really a giant, racist shithead, just this sub with thousands of autistic morons go out of their way to harass me constantly."

Yeah Joe that's enough of a reason for most people to not want to bother dealing with you.

“This hornet’s nest always stings me and everyone around me, watch me poke it with a stick”.

They're stinging my peckah


No baby noises.

It's all about context

Joe doesn't just poke the hornet's nest with a stick, he slathers his genitals with honey and sits on it...metaphorically speaking.

Can you imagine considering hiring this guy and then viewing this sub at his request? Why would any business owner want anything to do with any of this?? He is such a legitimate retard that he thinks "exposing" this subreddit will help his case.

I'm sure there will be a lot more pre-googolling by bookers in the greater LI area.

A lot of places don’t google every bum that offers to play music at a discounted rate. All he needs to do is stay off social media in his name, but he is an impulsive ass.

Yeah, if I had some 60 year old man in a cut off shirt begging me to play for 50 bucks, then leaving negative reviews about my business I would be pissed

That would be bad enough, but because it’s joe he also brought the sub with him. People started posting other negative reviews after they saw this loser’s name. It’s been going on for over a year now, and he still can’t learn. If I had a dog as dumb as joe, I’d take it out back and shoot it.

If I had a family member as dumb as Joe I’d do the same

"Yeah, and if *I had a family member as dumb as Joe, I'd join the Manson family or sumthin!"*

If I had a gun I'd do the same


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Social media is a narcissist's drug of choice.

Ever see a relatively humble person run into any trouble on social media?

I still don’t get it with joe. Ant’s name was his brand. He was out there and able to promote with it until we took it from him. Dumb joe doesn’t gain anything from posting under his name. Is it some weird boomer thing where he doesn’t want to back down from us? He needs his 5 friends to know he doesn’t scare? Fucking retard. You’re an adult male, get off social media.

Ant’s name was his brand.

Joe thinks his name is his brand too. He thinks being "Brother Joe" of the Cumia family makes him famous and superior to regular people. That's why he comes out of Barnes and Nobles and loudly states "I'm Anthony Cumia's brother, does anyone have anything to say to me?" as if it's a powerful declaration - like he's a family member of the president or something. He genuinely thought people were gonna go "Ooooh his brother! I'd love to talk to him!", but instead they said "I'm not interested".

That's why he goes by Brother Joe on platforms that aren't connected to O&A, like when promoting his band. Why his podcast was "Guilty by Association" and his second twitter was JosephCumiaxyz.

That's why he comes out of Barnes and Nobles and loudly states "I'm Anthony Cumia's brother, does anyone have anything to say to me?" as if it's a powerful declaration - like he's a family member of the president or something

Interesting take. Me, I read that scene more like "Hey, I'm related to the guy you're all obsessed with, can I have some of that attention that my brother doesn't want? Here, I'm offering myself as a target. I need the attention."

I still don’t get it with joe.

He has no personal identity. He sees people that he thinks are cool, like a famous musician, or a fictitious biker, and tries to cosplay as them in real life. And because he has no personality he has the childlike mentality of any attention is good intention. That's why he shitposts intentionally inflammatory political rhetoric, or tries to pick e-fights with bars, bands, people, websites...anything to get any sort of reaction. He'd rather have people mad at him so he can argue with them than have people ignore him so that he's alone with his thoughts.

During an entrance exam I was asked if I had tattoos, piercings, social media accounts - separately, not as 1 question. Couldn't read his checklist too well upside down, but these 3 were in the same group.

It’s our signature bit!

Joe always wanted to be famous, he always wanted to have people hanging on his every move.

Well here we are!

This is the only place you will be famous Joe, I know you are reading this, you cant help yourself you pathetic fucking parasite. We are your fans, enjoy your fame fuckboy.

Real monkey's paw type shit.

You sometimes get what you ask for, it just might not be what you wanted.

Fuckin Saw up in this muhfucka

It does read like a fucking Jigsaw challenge.

Except Jigsaw gave you a way out, it was not pleasant, but you could live.

I'd be more like the bitch that was killing everyone.

why would any establishment hire him to perform

Not many do

Ahhh leave it to Joe to stop all the faggot posts

Joe "The Bovine" Cumia: the gift that keeps on giving

Joe “The nigger hatin’ child spit drinkin’ gig suin’ bad reviewin’” Cumia

I’m waiting for another “head held high, fists unclenched” grovelling climbdown like last time. I actually think more of that would go a long way to ending this saga Joseph.

I don’t think he can. If he did I think most of us would stop with fucking with his gigs and stuff but there are some very vengeful autists on here that will take that as a sign that this sub broke him. And if they can break him they will try to break other people. Look what happened when the Schumer documentary called attention to her joke stealing. Joey fat tits should’ve just shut the fuck up when fat joker guy spoke up for him. Also he never should’ve written that whole “fists unclenched” shit. Joe is too long winded for his own good. He should’ve just shut his fat face. Nobody gave a shit about anything he had to say.

His outpouring was a typically hamfisted, completely insincere attempt to gain favour with the "redditards" by appearing to back down, you'll notice he immediately reverted back to his usual unapologetically oafish form the moment he pressed send on the comment.

At one point it was probably salvageable, all he had to do was tone the tough guy/clown act down a notch, but he insists on throwing fuel on the fire on a daily basis, the only explanation must be that he relishes the attention he gets.

Totally agree. Also I I believe his allowance is more than enough for him to live. So he loves the negative attention because he feels famous. He really wanted the fame Anthony got but he didn’t. He was definitely super jealous when Anthony got fired and I bet he thinks he could’ve handled it better.

Isn't it standard nowadays to do a google search about people you might work with?

You have to be a real fuck up of a businessman to touch Joe Cumia.

Whichever boomer is running that establishment should give it over to someone younger who can see these sort of red flags.

I hope this is amping up to an viral internet news run where Brother Joe tries to sue Reddit and lawyers take every cent him and Anthony have for 14 minutes of fame on an Internet news cycle.

It does suck that there's no way to turn down an acoustic set in the middle of a song, BUT:

1) The waitress was no doubt asked to do that by a table.

2) The waitress works on tips.

The idea that the owner of the establishment is responsible for every little disappointment and indignity that Brother Joe suffers while he works there is what makes people like him eventually unemployable.

There’s no way she asked him mid song. I bet joe was doing a long winded intro and she realized he doesn’t shut the fuck up so she jumped in real quick.

Maybe she asked during the "drum solo" where he just taps the microphone

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the SoloBroJorme Acoustic show! I'd like to thank you all for coming down here to spend your even with me (literally every person in the bar is not looking at and talking to the people they came with) I work and work day after day after day to get things like this together, lotta people dont realize what it takes, what goes into being a real musician, and seeing you all here tonight here for me makes it all worth it! This next one I'm gonna do for you is a little dirty called Smoke On The Water, i remember when this came out me n my friends would go fishing and listen to it, but we'd have POT smoke on the water! Haha sorry, sorry, I'll keep it G rated, now ladies gentlemen please put your hands together as I channel of my musical favs, Mr. RITCHIE, BLACKMORE!

Off key bum bum bum

He preys on new businesses that haven't heard of him/don't have other friends in the bar/restaurant business who would dissuade them from hiring him.

Pretty simple, suckers are born and manage restaurants every day.

Also he stinks and isn’t any good.

I'm not racist! This group of thousands of people are all lying!

is joe the REAL destroyer?

That sounds a bit far fetched

Real monkey's paw type shit.

Fuckin Saw up in this muhfucka