if your daughter is Tonight Everybody, and she marries Ronaldus Wang-Chung, she will be listed as Everybody-Wang-Chung, Tonight in the phone book.

1  2019-02-13 by thotwars


I hate you.

I'm a simple man, when I see a heckin doggo boot snoot with an autistic child who speed runs on twitch with his nintendo switch while despacito plays on endless loop to fight fascism and support LBTIQI2AFAG+, I upvote.

Doing God's work

You posted this yesterday. The fact that you did that is sad. The fact that I know is sadder.

after stealing chef boyardee's ravioli patent, campbells corporation forced chef B into indentured servitude in lieu of a salary. chef b agreed on the arrangement to pay off debts incurred while inventing his ravioli. at the end he was left with nothing but brokeness and destitutition. and to top it off? he was campbells CEO buried him in a large SpaghettiOs can after he died on the job working on the ravioli assembly line.

Chef Boyardee died choke-jerking is his chef hat. I saw him drunk at a celebrity ghost party last night trying to fight Verne Troyer. You don't know shit.

Danny deleto

And if my fist married your face my likeness would be pictured in the dictionary beside the word "hero".

That's quite insightful and I thank you for sharing

Fuck off

Doing God's work