This little worm likes to pretend he relates to Mel Gibson, but don’t you think that, if confronted with the divine wrath, he would shrivel up and, possibly, cry?

1  2019-02-13 by suirogerg


I liked when they were listening to those tapes and Jim acts like he can completely relate to shouting at ‘your chick’ the way Mel was. When in reality this little shit was the one whom brought Cat Noise Wednesday to the air because he was too gutless to tell ‘his chick’ that their dumb inside joke wasn’t funny

Is it the same chick he flies to LA to have "Fro Yo" with when he gets depressed?

Her, or the one getting blacked by an Oscar winner. I'm not totally sure of the timeline.

She's fucking Sidney Poitier?

Who isnt?

Colin's never wrong.

Mel wouldn't even acknowledge his existence if they were in the same room.

Mel would have him escorted out of the building.

What would be great is to see the faggots show canceled.

Every time I happen to have a J&S show on YouTube pop up, I’m shocked they have so many views. I want to say they’re in the hundreds of thousands...

Free loaders will consume anything and compared to what is out there they are close to a decent, which is not meant as a compliment. It is nothing compared to what the old show was even at its worst.

If I take my own habits the number of actually completed views can't be very high

He pouts just by someone saying "no" to him.

So I think you're correct.

anyone who doesnt shave their head to a 0 guard yet leaves it all the same length is a stunted child molester

Anything Jim touches turns to shit. Even shit.

That entire 5 hour Mel tapes video is almost ruined because Jim can't stop pontificating after every fucking clip they play. And of course he's as middle of the road as ever, going from she's the cunt to he's the asshole sometimes in the same sentence.

And then they prove a point CQ once made that they all become way softer versions of themselves when a celebrity comes in. All that laughing and "Mel rules" comes to an end when they have Kevin Smith on and he doesn't find it funny.

Mel gets blown before the hot tub, he's not blowing people in the hot tub.

Fucking Jew leech

There will be no divine wrath for this degenerate. God will just turn him into dust and remove his existence. He wont even be sent to purgatory. Just poof.............gone. Otherwise the cosmos will forever be in pain for this abomination.

Free loaders will consume anything and compared to what is out there they are close to a decent, which is not meant as a compliment. It is nothing compared to what the old show was even at its worst.

Who isnt?

If I take my own habits the number of actually completed views can't be very high