We won, Joe removed his negative review on JJ Facebook page. Thanks, Testa!

1  2019-02-13 by Virginia_Beach


Joe also deleted or deactivated two his other Facebook accounts, the solo Joe account and the one for his cosplay band. Which is probably why the review is not up.

Deleting FB is not a small sacrifice for an unemployed boomer

The dumb motherfucker should keep his mouth shut. All Joe has to do is not take the bait, but he's so fucking stupid he falls for it EVERY TIME.

One of the main pests lived in Virginia Beach, do you know who I’m talking about?

From years ago, or from this latest saga?

When there was an actual radio show and the pests were fans. I forget which one it was, but he called a lot and had some gay rank, like general or lieutenant. He lived in VA beach for sure.

No, I wasn't involved with that shit. I did, however, see a guy at our local Funny Bone handing out WoW bumper stickers when I went to see Rich Vos (circa 2005?). I think that was the guy you're referring to.

Probably, that was peak pest time. I think it was dugout dug.

I believe you are correct.

Why live in Virginia Beach unless the Navy sends you there?

Because it's MUCH better than living in Wilkes-Barre, PA where I'm originally from.

He didn't delete either of its accounts. I'm still friends with both of them. He did make a post last night that said he was going to be deleting a bunch of friends he thought were obvious trolls or fake accounts.

he literally just reactivated the one he left the negative review under. It was not activated this morning (as of 1.5 hrs ago). It didn't show up in search and the his review of JJ was not there anymore. Now, his profile shows up, but the review is not there, so he deleted the review.

nods in Jesse Ventura

Jesus this place is fucking awful.

I mean that as a compliment.

Stage 4.