RIP Finland

1  2019-02-13 by betadromes


Jews really love race mixing

I didn't even look at the author...

They really Love race mixing for whites.

Phil Schwarzmann , huh! You can't make this shit up!

Every time.

I think the Finns will be fine. They pretty much killed more commies in WW2 than anybody, something like each soldier averaging 5 kills each while being outnumbered by a factor of 6 or 8 or something like that.

Finns are mixing with refugees now. It's disgusting, but whatever.

Kike: diversity is our greatest strength.

::::::::locks gate to Israel:::::::::::

I am not too into 4chan but one of the funniest memes I saw were pictures of orathdox jews dating minorities.

Oy Vey! I’m shocked that the author is a chosen one!

Refugees read the title as "how to rape and finish a girl"