Everyone in this politics sub is a total faggot

1  2019-02-13 by peeperpooperlollypop


I don’t even know why I looked at the comments.

They are so desperate to defend Muslims who throw gays of rooftops as a tourism campaign, that a fire in a building is exactly morally relative. They need to be killed when the revolution happens.

In what politics sub, stupid?

Hate crime? Are they saying only blacks go to planned parenthood? Does the logic hold up if you firebomb a Popeyes?

It’s so crazy, they don’t even know if it was accidental or not. And they jump to “radical christian terrorism”. But someone will run over 50 while yelling “allah ackbar” and we have to be tolerant.

They are so desperate to defend Muslims who throw gays of rooftops as a tourism campaign, that a fire in a building is exactly morally relative. They need to be killed when the revolution happens.