Real musicians don’t get it.

1  2019-02-13 by RBuddCumia


Dawn is a little long in the tooth

That cumia smile

TFW when you get your monthly allowance.

Age finally caught up to her

"I own 5 bands." That's like saying you own 5 cars and they're all impala's, lumina's and bonneville's

It's more like saying you own five cars, but you just change the tires or rims on the same car over and over.

Nice apostrophes, stupid.

Pack up

Oh he packs up alright.


He needs a good kick in the pants

Funny how his Twitter header is of the failed book signing. Joe is too downright retarded to realize that night was one of the most humiliating of Nana's life.

go home, get paid

So the payment is contingent on if he stops playing and just goes home

I’m owned by 5 cowboys. Set up, roll camera, go home, GET PAID. EZ! Some millennial clowns will never “get it”.

Jerk-off Joey is what always brings me back to this sub. Damn is he easy to hate

You mean your 3 gigs a month that you get $150 for?

I'll say it again: fags who constantly go on about how they're the "guitar guy" are compensating. You need to keep reiterating it because no one would know otherwise since you're so untalented.

For every Yngwie Malmsteen, Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck, and other people who are great at guitar there's some faggot with a massive guitar collection who makes playing guitar their entire personality.

Do you think the guitar greats have to go on and on about how they're guitar players and explain to casuals what a looper pedal is in every convo they have? No, because people know who they are.

"GET PAID.... $10 and a comped hot dog"

If you didn't know Joe, wouldn't you assume Joe is Ant in this as he is in the middle of the picture?