Oh Jesus Christ

1  2019-02-13 by crookedmile


Fucking jesus christ I hoped this never came out. At least they got an actress that is 300 pounds lighter than who she is portraying.

“Aidy Bryant is breathtakingly beautiful.”


I refuse to believe that any of those people are real.

Nobody could possibly think she’s “breathtakingly beautiful” unless they have some sort of fat slob fetish.

I’ve got a “fat slob fetish” and I think this bitch is horrendous. It’s a pretty narrow set of fat girls that are actually hot and none of these “mainstream “ fatties fall into that category

Tyson may be a finook.

They made sure to give the fat white bitch a fat black bitch and a hispanic fat bitch as her friends. How inclusive!

Add a fat gay chinaman friend and I'm sold

You bring up a good point. This very well could be hilarious for all the wrong reasons

and dude...chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature

Asian-American, please.

Capitalize “Dude” in this instance, faggot

Bob Kelly's phone just rang

"people have been talking shit to me my entire life"

maybe don't spend 30+ years being a fat piece of garbage

Exactly. I was a fat fuck for a few years, but I never made it everybody else's fault. I realised I had to stop being a disgusting pig and change my ways.

What's the common denominator?

A remake of Fatso with her might be more watchable

Amy Schumer, Melissa McCarthy, Rebel Wilson, this chick. The reason the fat girl takes charge role is the only thing coming from the female comedy world is because women only go out and support women that they feel better than. If they made any of these chicks attractive other ones wouldn’t watch because they’d be intimidated. Oh and they aren’t funny

Will the trans-dwarf community be equally represented in this program?

How is this a funny topic? This fat fuck is eating herself to death as are millions are fat fuck girls her age. But wait... "Hahaha! I just ate a gallon of ice cream and a bag of Doritos and my pants just burst open. I can really relate to this show"

Fat acceptance is revolting.

meh, looks genuinely funny to me, guys

can't wait for the scene were she keels over from a heart attack

I can't believe aids Bryant is Connor O'Malley's husband

There's 2 chapters about Jim and his fans in her book.

She looks like Big Jay without the artificial jawline beard.

This show was created by our old friend Lindy West.

"They are soo satisfying. Sometimes when I have 6 almonds, it feels like I had 12 almonds"


Get the fucking flamethrower

Die piggies.