Remember that awful David Cage game she was naked in? Also remember when she cried some game put her face in it? Fuck this dried up cunt.

1  2019-02-13 by betadromes


She’s turning into an old washed up hag rather young. No wonder shes bitter

Juno liked pork swords.

Juno was fucking weird. At one point I thought Jason Bateman was going to fuck her.

Did she accidentally get in a teleportation pod with Marilyn Manson?

Go pick up some pickle chips and pepperoni for Ricky in Trailer Park Boys you dyke.

Only good thing she was ever a part of was TPB season 2.

I liked that Hard Candy movie where she made the pedophile hang himself

Too pedophiles look more like Anthony Cumia and less like Patrick Wilson

Wasn't it jalapeño chips?

How dare she attack Chris Pratt!

Actually, didn’t she attack someone else for not attacking Chris Pratt? As if he needs to be attacked, and as if she doesn’t have a public platform from which she can do so herself? She just is such a cunt.

How dare that straight white male from rural Minnesota and his Christian church not openly celebrate sodomy and faggotry.

Heres the scary part. I'm a Methodist, and our board of elders(Bishops) are considering changing the churchs stance on homosexuality due to outside pressures. Duke and other "prestigious" universities are suing them for discrimination. Our actual stance is you can come to our church if you're gay but you cannot hold leadership roles.

This picture is a good one, quite fuckable here. Now she looks like got smacked in the face with her girlfriends bag of Summers Eve.

She looks like Maynard James Keenan in this picture.

Worthless Tool

Bitch got a fist that stinks like fish.

Breath of a tackle box

She got Mr Lahey's hair


And shes a fucking Canadian. Stay out of our politics you Dyke fucking Hack.

Their country is so boring and inconsequential they feel the need to insert themselves into our shit.

I came here to laugh at joe cumia being a buffoon not to get angry at random d list indie actors

she will always be hamburger phone

And she tried to sue Quantic Dream or something because they had her nude textures inside the game or something and someone found it. Coincidentally the game she was in (Beyond Two Souls) was by far their worst game.

Do you guys think she wears the strap-on in the relationship? That suit jacket says maybe

Great now I'm hard again.

From the pics of the other I would say she is getting blasted

Nice barn door sized forehead, stupid

I mean, I know she’s washed up, but she’s cutting her own hair now? Jesus Christ, bitch, go to Supercuts.


Man she's aging rapidly.

Also Last of Us was great. It didn't need her.

Nice forehead, stupid

That meltdown she had the other day was funnier than any of Norton's stand up.

Malignant tumors are funnier than Norton's stand-up

Behold! The quintessential Western woman in all her glory! Bask in her aggressive avoidance of anything and everything traditional.

Can always count on weird losers like this guy to take a hatable celebrity and remind you that no matter how insufferable they are there’s always some creep on the internet that is far worse and more pathetic

I've struck a nerve. You know I'm right, faggot. Now go back to your ugly girlfriend/wife that you're stuck with forever.

Damn man, you fucking triggered me

I bet you fuck heaps of chicks. Why are you such an alpha chad? Can you teach me your ways? I wanna be just like you :)

Nah I’m just a vegan DSA member that eats lots of soy. You’re way more manly than I am

HAHAHA!!! HOLY SHIT!!! Don't stop, buddy. Keep 'em comin'.

I don’t even know what dance we’re doing here. I’m not interested in any more back and forth with ya. You hate libs and cucks and you’re on the front lines of the culture war doing God’s work. Guys rule and girls drool!

/u/GayVeganSocialist could you have a cornier name? Like wow, you picked three things generally associated with the left/SJWs and mashed ‘em together ironically. Pinnacle of satire there. It’s not like there’s literally millions of 4chan kids and Sargon fanboys out there doing the exact same hacky bit right?

Your trolling on /r/vegan is just plain bad btw. You’re not a convincing Poe, and you’re not funny, so... why even bother? I’m genuinely curious what leads a presumably fully grown man who has been on the internet most of his life to the point where his entire online persona revolves around this corny kid shit. How have you not had a moment of clarity yet?

Why would I even bother replying to your rant. I've looked through your post history and you're a racist who believes the French have too many "blacks". You don't deserve one second more of my tmie.

You went through my post history? And you think I waste my time on the internet? Your little psychological rant is really cringey, buddy. I'm not going to self-reflect from your embarrassing comment. How about you look in the mirror. What made you spend that solid 10 minutes going through my post history? Do you find troubles finding a girlfriend?

lmao clicking your profile and skimming the first page of your commenr history took me less time than it took you to write this butthurt comment

"lmao" Did ya? You're the lowest form of redditor. You're the type that looks through post histories. Nice admission to the loneliness of your life. I actually feel sorry for you. There's nothing sadder than a guy who looks through post histories and waxes poetic afterwards. Do you have an active social life, my man? Does the anonymous reddit community make your empty life feel a little better?

My life is amazing actually, I work at an employee-owned anarchist bookstore, am on the central committee of three different unions, and have five beautiful cats and a smokin’ hot nonbinary femme partner.

I’m a girl btw, or did you think “Howard” is always a male name? Idiot.

Now I see why my username offended you. Well you're obviously not busy with all your "ventures" since, like I said before, you went through my post history. Someone who has things going for them doesn't do that. You're lonely and bored. Also, based off what you said, I know that I earn a lot more money than you. Let that sink in.

hahahaha what a fucking rube oh my gosh

Anyone who says their life is awesome absolutely doesn't have an awesome life. Just because you say it, doesn't mean it'll come true. You're miserable, lonely and bored. You work for a bookstore with the worst business model in the world, you have 7 cats (speaks for itself), you're a union member (so what?) and you have a girlfriend (wow! a girlfriend! I wish I could get me one of those!). Your life is boring and mundane. My hourly rate as a lawyer is probably more than you earn in a whole week.

lmao jesus you’re fucking dumb. and get your story straight before lying about what you do, hotshot.

Sure. I'm lying. Whatever makes you sleep at night.

Organic passionflower tea honey. Better luck next time.

Beyond 2 Souls was one of the worst games I ever beat. And in regards to her little performance on Colbert, that was the douchiest most self important narcissistic rambling bullshit I ever saw. Even if I agreed with half of it, it made me fucking hate her. I don’t doubt she was sincere but these people are so fucking fake that it still just felt like a performance and she just wanted to boost her Q score. She also made that gay show on Vice and once again from what I saw it was just the most worthless, self important garbage. This bitch might be the biggest egomaniac in the world. I don’t care that Inception is a ridiculously dope movie, I can’t stand this bitch

Thanks for letting us know

Thanks for letting me know that you now know


There’s no pleasing you. Even when i talk about my disgust of annoying virtue signaling lesbian actresses deep_legal comes at me. One day I’ll gain your approval, one day...

Inception is a ridiculously dope first 30 mins, it's a shit movie

The story is a bit ambitious and silly at times but to say it’s shit is crazy.!its wildly entertaining and the visuals and action are sick the entire time, plus it’s got a killer cast. Just like Mad Max, The Dark Knight, Blade Runner 2049, and to a slightly lesser extent John Wick its an action movie I can watch 100x and leave on whenever I catch it on tv

And wrestling. Don’t forget to mention how much you love wrestling.

I almost did the subway flop after that horrible bullshit movie

only seen her in hard candy (sucks) and inception (kind of sucks) and frankly thats 2 too many

Her terrible hair alone makes her NOT wife material.

Imagine DiCaprio’s disgust, having to act with her in Inception. He had to fuck twice as many supermodels during shooting to cleanse himself.

The now president of Brazil also said he would have cat called her when he was in the army and she couldn't handle it.

She’s cute.

awful David Cage game


This dumb bitch made a fortune being the muse of millions of pedo virgin game nerds.

What's her problem? She could milk these losers for the rest of her life, ungrateful cunt.

Actually, didn’t she attack someone else for not attacking Chris Pratt? As if he needs to be attacked, and as if she doesn’t have a public platform from which she can do so herself? She just is such a cunt.

I've struck a nerve. You know I'm right, faggot. Now go back to your ugly girlfriend/wife that you're stuck with forever.

Why would I even bother replying to your rant. I've looked through your post history and you're a racist who believes the French have too many "blacks". You don't deserve one second more of my tmie.

You went through my post history? And you think I waste my time on the internet? Your little psychological rant is really cringey, buddy. I'm not going to self-reflect from your embarrassing comment. How about you look in the mirror. What made you spend that solid 10 minutes going through my post history? Do you find troubles finding a girlfriend?

Breath of a tackle box