It be the white man fault for shitty parenting.

1  2019-02-13 by betadromes


Nono. You’re doing it wrong.

It’s Wypipo Folt.

Cough cough Rawanda

Oh, not just there. There are places where you'd better not be of a different sub-branch of a tribal offshoot - i.e. the folks in the next village over - if you value your limbs.

True. I watched a documentary where an African fella recalled soldiers forcing a man to rape his own daughter then they shot them. Sudan, Congo, Somalia all like Wakanda

East and SW can be iffy that way too. Women having to cook off the flesh of the kraal men's skulls (sold to a certain type of trader for use in medecine) before it's their turn. The local governments do what they can, but there's so much ground to cover, and little money for decent salaries.

I hope her name isnt actually her name. Is that also to get back at the white man by butchering the English language?

Black people do that all the time, they're just not smart enough to do it to anyone but themselves.

They don't even understand their own history.

Lol Someone please respond to this nignoramous and tell em about African genocide that happens all the time

A little too anti-semitic for my taste but to each their own

Hilariously the Bantu’s and the Dutch showed up in South Africa at basically the same time. So you had Bantus pillaging from the north and the Dutch steadily expanding their scope outward from the south.

I’m confused by the lack of punctuation. Not to mention the steal/steel clarification. Black people are so dumb.

A person from Ghana said never trust a Nigerian, they always lie steal and cheat. A very corrupt country.

Wtf was that whole "cut down the tall trees" thing then?

"And the continent of African doesn't count"

Sounds to me like she's saying blacks are too shiftless and lazy to do it.

Sounds like she wants her turn.

They don't even understand their own history.