Thank god.

1  2019-02-13 by RBuddCumia



Why would the ACLU acknowledge that? I'm an extreme racist and even I can call out this faggot for being a retard.

It’s also not even close to being true, given the numbers and birth rates. But Joe’s not exactly a scholar on the ins and outs of presidential elections, I suppose.

In 20 years Layla will have like 4 half black kids out of wedlock.

That’ll just be known as Americana.

After me, the flood.

— Joe Cumia

Boomer email forwards

He might cosplay as a right winger but all his actions speak socialist and a juvenile version of that already juvenile ideology.

He had children out of wedlock, divorced and can't pay child support,has a live in woman who he doesn't marry bc of no gibs from her ex if he does, has a weird entitlement about getting free shit from everyone even if it's a free cup of coffee from a bar he is playing and get really pissy if he doesn't get his "benefits" . Loves to bitch about privilege , lives a bohemian lifestyle, had a criminal past doing crimes that hurt society and target young people (making and dealing hard drugs), drives a small expensive designer minicar instead of a normal car for virtue signaling etc etc etc

I bet his friend also makes his own currency

“Inboxed” is something a retarded 15 year old girl says

Not one thought about his daughter. What a narcissistic faggot.
