If you find yourself saying "What the ACTUAL fuck?" or any version of "Mind=Blown.", then you're an ACTUAL faggot that deserves to die.

1  2019-02-12 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Mind = the ACTUAL fuck

My new catchphrase is "issa snack"

One big girls team, issa snack pack

Gay or nah?

It's gonna be huge at the welfare office.

Snack pack would be a good name for your disgusting growth


As I speak people are repeating meaningless dramatic phrases to get attention, let that sink in.

Jacuzzi = blown

weird flex, but ok...

Is another phrase that should be punishable by death.

Yeah the only weird flex I'm interested in is wrapping my arms around your neck.

Confusing “lose” with “loose” is deserving of a curb stomping

I feel the same towards people that say "welp". Also, "it's almost as if".