This is a pedophile. Some people might try to tell you that he’s not a pedophile. They might scream “decent man, decent man, decent man” over and over and over again. They might put DECENT MAN in all caps. You might even start to believe that this is a decent man. But he’s not. This is a pedophile.

1  2019-02-12 by afallenworld


I thought his brother was the pedophile?

He brother clearly stated in white new balances on national TV that he is NOT a pedophile. He is a fat retarded homosexual bum

My mistake

Please note that said his brother simply stated that he was not a pedophile, I did not say he was not a pedophile. In fact, some may consider the propensity to blurt out such an inappropriate statement suspicious.

He is allowed to enter into legal contracts tho. The libtards can never take that away from him.

I see, I'll continue believing Joseph Cumia is a pedophile then

Like I have mentioned countless of times: on that Peoples Court show Joe NEVER DENIED being a pedophile. Listen to it again, he NEVER states that he's not a pedophile. All he does is repeat over and over again that people accuse him of being one.

He did not say that. He said there were accusations of pedophilia. He never actually denied them.

That's what I said FUCKFACE

Joe Cumia drinks child spit for it’s clinical benefits. Joe Cumia is not a pedophile.

If the title has taught me one thing, Anthony Cumia is not a decent man, Anthony Cumia is a pedophile.

You forgot the sport coat over an 82nd airborne shirt.

I hear he can enter contracts? Any truth to this?

His brother fucks his own kids

Anthony Bearer.

The nigga looks like something out of a George A. Romero flick. And it's still not his worst picture. That honor goes to his pic with Mike Tyson. That pic is as hilarious as it is disturbing.

He really looks like a Bosnian war criminal arriving at the Hague in this photo.

Slobodan Pedosevic

Childrov Molestovic

Zlatan Pedophilovic

Every picture Nana looks so different but always repulsive.

I wish he drank cyanide like one too.

He would just fill the cup up with Sue cum like an idiot.

He wish he was manly enough to be a war criminal

This is his gay vampire look.

Count Pederast

Count Creepula

His appearance runs contrary to the narrative of his book which describes his many scandalous tales of his womanizing ways.

He's been called sexy

Does he write about his dating and fucking a 14 year old in his twenties?

Well at least his successful radio career, sharp political mind, loving family and movie star looks will still earn him respect.

Remember, it's RUDE and awkward to tell an acoustic guitarist to "turn down...your guitar is too loud" while he's in the MIDST of actively singing a verse, doing a job YOU PAID HIM TO DO!

Who tied his tie for him?

Sloppy as shit, if he walked into my work for a job he would be shitkicked for the drunken dad tie job alone.

They require ties at Taco Bell now?

woman-beating pederast.

Piece of shit.

He actually sort of passes as a white guy here.

He is a Mediterranean nigger, desperately wanting to be white.

That cunts face looks like that of a retard which had acid pored on it ! His mother was a retakes making cunt.

He's not just a pedophile, he was actively attempting to groom someone he thought was an underage teenager online.

He's also a (statutory) rapist. He admitted on air to dating and fucking a 14 year old when he was in his twenties.

Nobodies perfect.

Anthony Cumia bites. Literally, and in a 90s turn of phrase way.

yea but he was funny

He looks jewish tbh.

They require ties at Taco Bell now?