The mentally ill, unfunny, exhausting hack shit that you faggots enable because you've never been able to win a woman over 3/10

1  2019-02-12 by TonyFromLongIsland


Someone mentioned she hangs out on that retarded Discord channel and the hard up losers fawning all over her is even worse there. Embarrassing.

I think that was me. I think it's obvious to anyone that the (((discord))) faggots are pushing her.

God you're dumb

Good one, nigger!

Saralinn is the queen of discord ioneven know what that shit is

And you call me stupid. I know it's ad hominem in my case but still LOL

Discord said that we need to try harder to appeal to a more urban demographic.

I think it's funny because, I know those queers wish they could dox me and actually do something other than seethe in their smelly chairs, but they can't, and they're fucking retarded niggerfaggots, the whole lot of 'em.

Carmen Sandiego over here

Sick reference bra


She’s one of those that got her section 8 housing shipped out to the sticks. She’s about as urban Larry Bird.

Its an imposter. I would never dare

I don't think anyone here considers her to be a woman.

More effort plz 👍

This took 2 minutes, but I know to a washed up nigger like yourself that seems like a lot of work. Stay mad, cunt.

Pipe down and go make me a medianoche.

She's vomit-inducing.

With fuckin’ Kuato growing from her stomach. Martian lookin motherfuck.

Best thing to do is ignore it.

I don’t know who’s more mentally-ill

Said the seething discord tranny.

Nigga you mad about something, shut the fuck up stop acting like Jimmy Norton little angry man

Be more angry

Edit your posts more after realizing you're a retard, stupid.

More anger

Are you a Sith Lord shut up stupit

No, come on! Show everyone how tough you are!

I'd rather just watch you be gay

Man, you really go there!

lil patent leather shoes 'n moe howard hair cut.

There u go


Shes our canary on the coal mine. If she gets fed up and leaves it means we've moved into complete incel kek-bullshit territory. Plus content on here is always sooo good that every once in a while its good to exercise the ol downvote button. She has her uses.

You need to have higher standards. She’s a garbage person.

Trust me I don’t need higher standards. I’m a incredibly mediocre human being. Thanks for the concern though.

Did you even see all the horrific comments that followed that. If this bitch had any sense of reality she'd commit suicide.

What's she ever done to you, OP?

never talked or engaged with her at all on here.


But I see her tummy monster in my sleep.

I assumed she was kept around because it's nice to remember the types of things that can happen?

Nigga you mad about something, shut the fuck up stop acting like Jimmy Norton little angry man

Be more angry