This isn't just a pregnancy thing. She's always been an obese tub of shit.

1  2019-02-12 by Random1200


She's actually eating that ceramic cup like it's nothing

Not only is she fucking disgusting, she’s retarded too. Pig faced loose-cunted motherfuck.

I thought she was dipping a donut in a milkshake lmfao

Wouldn't be a surprise

Not at all

Pig whore thief cunt unfunny bitch.

I hope this cunt has a miscarriage over and over again

Fucking kid is going to OD on carbs in her fat fucking womb.

He’ll be like those heroin babies but instead he needs to have 5k calories

It will exit Amy saying " you know what duuuude you got your contractions, you see some light then boooom the doctor is slapping your tushy"

She totally stole that donut.



I didn't know they had donuts big enough to qualify for whale consumption

Imagine having to fuck that day in and day out.

So brave