Artie still landing those high-profile guest roles

1  2019-02-12 by crookedmile


What happened to her?

Sneezed and farted at the same time.


Too much yayo

It's from the drama The Good Doctor about a retarded doctor. She was shot in the face with a shotgun and got a facial transplant by the retard doctor.

Yeah, what this guy said. That was the Before, here's the After

"Hey, baby, you look not so bad for a girl who got shot in the face."

Retard Beefers plz.

Jigsaw puzzle looking ass and judging by that wig looks like whatever chimpanzee tore her up I mean I would still have her hang her head on the edge of the bed and power fuck her mouth.

She looks like the aliens in fire in the sky.

Well at least she did her hair nice

Lady Di lost weight


Nice face, stupid.

Better skin than Anthony, and way better hair.

When Retartie gets out he'll no doubt take the time to explain what "really" happened from his special "insider's" perspective in order to refute the things "they're" saying about him online and in print. It will involve "connected Jersey guys", an impossibly large wager, at least two "unidentified black males", "some broad" and Suboxone. Then he'll launch into a joke about Vito, Johnny Cakes, Howard Stern, cocaine, cheeseburgers and Ray Rice's wife.

Nah, just kidding, he'll just do heroin like he always does.

Still laughing.

Eugene from Preacher, transitioned.