The cops are close to exposing the hoax.

1  2019-02-12 by telav


These racist cops need to back off.

Nigger Detected

Do black people like the Godfather?

Yes, but they also think Scarface is a comparable film.

Even Al Sharpton thinks this guy is a lying nigger faggot.

Al Sharpton is a disgrace.

Hot take, Nana.

Look at the majority of black Youtubers talking about this faggot. They all hate him for being a lying nigger faggot.

I had to explain to my nice girlfriend with a midwestern upbringing that the black community is beyond homophobic.

How is this not common knowledge?

Caucasian women are not homophobic when they speak on behalf of the black community.

Nothing will happen to him. He'll be called brave for bringing attention to homophobia. The entertainment industry will embrace the lie.

It gave white liberals a chance to call MAGA supporters Nazis and klansmen, doesn't matter if it actually happened or not

I may be late to the party here but when did his name change from Jessie to Jussie? I'm amused and confused.

When he hooked up with those other 2 hot chicks and their mom to steal diamonds under the cover of being animal rights activists.

I can’t believe this guy keeps doubling down.