A call from Netflix to make a reality show about Ant is just around the corner according to Joe

1  2019-02-12 by SpudPeelinJoe


"[Anthonys] ongoing [...] broadcasting career."


"Ongoing saga" - code for bankruptcy

I'm sure this will be one of the Netflix shows Obama produces.

Well, he would if he were not a hypocrite. Black guys should really help each other out, right?

If you asked 100 people about Opie and Anthony 100 of them would have no idea what you're talking about.

O&A needed every east coast comedian to come in and make the show listenable. But people want to see a Netflix series based Ant. Ok.

You don’t want to watch a 65 year old man laugh nervously while he sweats bullets and pounds Xanax?

At best he could be the punchline to a joke in BoJack Horseman.

damn why had I never drawn that hilarious parallel

I was talking to someone who kind of knew him from OnA last weekend. They actually said "didn't he get fired for being racist".I told him to watch the demented world of Anthony Cumia on YouTube.

Lol god bless Beige. The fact that that's out there on youtube and every day more and more people are exposed to it is amazing.

To add to the point, the people who actually are interested in either Opie or Anthony really only want one thing. They want these two and preferably Jimmy, to sit behind microphones and make fun of minorities, mentally challenged people, fat people, whiners, and losers. They want to hear them make terrible jokes about terrible things and terrible people. They want meanness, they want cruelty. No one gives two shits about his pool or his Twitter or his freedom of speech unless they are using these things to make us laugh. These dumb fucking idiots Thruway the one thing they had that interested anyone. Because they couldn’t sit down in a room and work out minor differences. Hey, Anthony: You aren’t a gangster. You aren’t a mafioso, you don’t need to hold grudges or wack people. Just sit down with the dumb asshole like he told you to, and you could’ve worked it all out.

When Cumias talk about "this thing of ours" they mean pedophilia.

It's still not clear to Joe - the only show anyone would be interested in making about Ant has already been made. It's called Demented World. No one is going to be interested in making a show about his years on the radio after learning that in his later years he's been grooming 14 year olds, making out with 17 year olds, beating up retarded people, lusting after 13 year old girls, tossing his dying mother in the trash, ranting about how black people are "not people", groping his cousin while whispering into her ear that he wants to fuck her and jacked off into her panties. Any show about Ant would spend 5 minutes recapping his radio career and then it would dive into the legacy he's actually leaving for himself.

There is a lot of interest in black crime stats, from what I understand.

Netflix is already committed to two shows based on this.

‘Chocolate Hellholes’ where each week Colin Flaherty purchases cigars from a corner store in a bad neighborhood late at night.

‘The Fellas’ a sitcom where Colin Flaherty wears blackface and portrays a black teen delinquent in need of some more programs.

I don't want any of that, I want them to continue to be embarrassing faggots so I can laugh at them.

Only place people know them is NY and Boston

The 2nd year into Compound Media Anthony kept coyishly teasing he was having a reality show filmed about himself. Keith even came on and confirmed it. So far nothing and he's never spoken about it since.

"Maybe I should take on that project"

Stop accepting emotional blackmail money from your younger brother, pay your own way like a grown man and get your child to school on time first Joe.

Every handyman I know is on disability. They don't have to work, but they do it because they get bored and feel a genetic urge to do some man-stuff that's useful to someone.

Joe has no physical impediment, still gets the money, and instead of useful guy stuff he plays bad covers here and there and complains about how he's treated. Then he has a fancy that lasts probably 4.5 seconds. Like a stoner in a bad comedy. In case someone accuses him of being shiftless, "what? hey I was thinkin' about it tho!"

Correct me if I'm wrong-- arent there already some documentaries about the rise and fall of the cumio clan?

But there is a lot of room for more options in the “reality biz game.” Joe knows his stuff. You can tell from the slang.

They already have a show, it’s called To Catch a Predator.

Or people can just watch the Fyre Fest documentary. Same story, different industry.

House Of Faggots

House Of Tards

Fuck I wish I thoughta that

The reality biz "game"

You absolute redundant dumbass

What project are you going to “take on” and with what experience or skill? Oh my God, you really think you’re in show business. You can’t get your child to school before the bell rings but you are going to, what, produce a Netflix show? Honest to God, Joe.

Your initial instinct, to try to maintain some sort of relationship between Greg and Anthony was the correct one. That is the only shot any of you ever had to ever taste success again. Every old fan I know would be immediately interested in a reunion between those two, but nothing Anthony has done has been anything else but laughable to those same people. But, yeah, you go ahead and “take on” something in the reality “biz game” as you put it. You sure have a grasp on the lingo.

With in.

There are maybe 1 million people on the planet who even know who Anthony’s Cumia is.. of those 1 million people, he can only get about 200 to care enough about him to watch his podcast/show or buy his book..

You could get more ratings with a reality show following a 2nd string Arena Football League offensive lineman than you could with a show about Anthony..

Sam Roberts is LITERALLY more famous than Anthony at this point.

of those 1 million people, he can only get about 200 to care enough about him to watch his podcast/show or buy his book

His Sharpie collection suggests otherwise.

From the people that brought you the 4-Sharpie blockbuster book...

A reality show about a racist ephebophile running a failing podcast network. Netflix will be all over that.

He's so delusional. Anthony would already Periscope and tweet 90% of his waking life and barely anyone cared.

But his book was on the best seller list for several hours!

I'd love to see Joe's netflix documentary about Ant.

Just who IS Anthony "ANTH" Cumia? star swipe Anth isn't just RICH, HILLARIOUS and SMART star swipe he's ALSO CARING, GENEROUS and NOT attracted to children.

"Maybe I should take on that project.."

Oh no!

Is anyone here in the "reality business game" as Joe so eloquently put it?

Anyone 'in the biz "game" ' what the fuck is this idiot talking about?

Anty already has a 7 part documentary.

I can just imagine him trying to pitch it.

" You see it started with this blackface video"

Execs:" Nah, fuck that shit."

If anyone has the experience to helm this “project” it’s brother joe. Remember, he runs his shitty band gigs “as close to military standards as possible, which makes him something of an anomaly in this industry.”

There’s only two types of people with this kind of unshakeable self-belief; very high achievers who are psychopathically obsessed with perfection and the chronically unaware brother joes of this world.

With that "military standard" no wonder he's gone through about a dozen Bonos and a few Adam Claytons. Or is it because Joe is impossible to deal with?

Again this proves that Bro Joe is the living embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect. He is a 8th rank black belt in delusional moron.

If I'm not mistaken, someone from this sub works on the creative team for Netflix. Perhaps they should reach out to Joe via email to ask for his ideas on an upcoming series

I’d love for Joey fat tits to spearhead this endeavor.

Look at it this way: it's far more likely that call comes than a call to do a reality show about a fake Edge and his shitty music projects.

The only documentary on Cumia Netflix would be interested in doing would be the one about him violating the Mann Act with Ileana Kennedy, about grooming underaged girls online and his friendship with Jeffrey "Kurt Love" Hollander. It can be a companion piece to Abducted in Plain Sight.

It would be like Anti-Blackish

What a delusional, fat tittied retard.

Mancow had a show in there.

I thought Ant hated it when people called him Ant, which is why his sycophants went out of their way to refer to him as Anth.

Nice riding your brother's coattails, stupid.

why would someone want to watch an old man lol

I’ve never seen a person with such a lack of awareness. And I spend a lot of time on the internet

Hard Candy 2

Such transparent wishful thinking on Joe's behalf. He believes he has the moxie and charisma to capture the fancy of the nation as the gruff "tell it like it is" reality tv brother. They should aim a little lower and focus on maybe securing an airing on public access. The only way Ant is getting on Netflix is if he goes on a pedophiliac murder spree, then his confession tapes might be included in a montage on one of their true crime documentaries.

Episode one: Anthony discovers that his seventh alternate Twitter account has been suspended. Meanwhile his brother gets into an altercation with the post office clerk regarding the price of "forever" stamps.

Yeah, that's appointment television right there. And Joe could "produce" it, as he once held the camcorder while his brother mugged for the camera in blackface.

Netflix canceled daredevil and the punisher who had great viewership.If they actually did something like this the guy who approved it would be shot by Disney

So Im expected to get drunk on the couch and watch Anthony get drunk on the couch?

And wouldnt he need to get a working with childrens check if they start filming in his house?