Fag country.

1  2019-02-12 by realestassdude


They're gonna have to change the date on that poster now

Should've used a chalkboard

Winston Smith over here. Doubleplusgood.


How did carrying a knife nearly cost him his life?

because the police were gonna shoot him for his butterknife.

It's what the Gypsy used to stab him after picking his pockets.

He went to tie his laces up and forgot he had it in his pocket. Stabbed him in the stomach.

Only in the UK.

In the US you can stab your own eye out with a fork at six and still win the Superbowl.

Thats because its a sport that only one country plays. Isn't it the job of some fat bastards just to get in the way and thats it? A blind person could do that.

The best soccer players in the world would be raped in playing American football. "fat people" can't play cornerback or receiver. There's a bunch of nfl players who could conceivably play soccer

American footballers are gay rapists? Weird defence of a local sport but if its your thing whatever pal.

Yeah unlike soccer where the default goal celebration (you know about once every 2 games) is hugging and kissing your teammates

It's not the same as penetrating someone is it?

So football is gay because of a metaphor I used but literally kissing men is alright?

American football is closer to rugby than football. A game for homosexuals. But at least rugger buggers don't use padding and helmets like sissys

He confused it when reaching for his dildo to jam up his own ass. Tragic stuff.

Why did we save their asses, TWICE, again?

Jews, basically.

The loaned money was appreciated and all paid back eventually (2006.) The US was also paid back during the war with then cutting edge British technology, such as sonar, radar, jet engines, plastic explosives and more. Your Spielberg/Michael Bay-influenced version of history doesn't sync up with reality.

Strange how the British (or the Americans) didn't make paractical use of the jet engine sooner since they "invented" it. Also weird how quickly they were able to make jet planes once they captured a couple of Me 262 and a bunch of German scientists..

We took it and made it better. Meet capitalism, Fritz.

Stop bragging about technology, YOU INVENTED BENNY HILL! Albion's greatest gift to the world.

Did you really enjoy that crap? I mean aside from all of the pert tits?

I'm a simple man. Dumb laughs, old-fashioned tits, and a little bit of elderly abuse.

Have you seen the Inbetweeners? You might enjoy that. Or Peep Show, obviously.

Lol thanks for deconstructing his joke, professor. Oh well imagine being half a century removed from the most powerful empire and history and seeing the biggest bitch culture on earth. Arrested for liking tweets on Twitter lmao

It's a sorry state of affairs, you'll get no argument there from me.

I've never watched Michael Bay movies, so fuck you.

Because, once, they were worth saving. They were a worthy ally and, very possibly, we were next. But now they are willingly and eagerly and even enthusiastically giving up their rights and common sense. I see them arguing viciously for why they shouldn’t be protected or be allowed to protect themselves, their logic and self-preservation have been beaten out of them. Honestly, they are in big trouble because they’re just giving it away. More than that, some of the younger people are aggressively and passionately giving it away.

The Brits were the furthest thing in the world from a good ally, you know how many Americans got killed following the retard churchhill's plans in the Mediterranean?

I heard when he found out about the Luisitania he was "pleased" about the news, so we could be dragged into WW1.

I have no problem fight for or alongside any of the English-speaking peoples. On our list of stupid military decisions, they're not even in the top 100.

knifes are great. You don't accidentally stab a bystander. Let 'those people' off themselves. Wonderful.

I don't understand what utility comes from that type of hat.

Lets everyone know you're a cockend.

None whatsoever now.

Back in the day police constables had to be men who met a height requirement (5'10 I think) and were expected to be burly types. The helmet obviously added the appearance of a considerable few inches, giving them a more imposing stature.

You have to remember that this was back when London was populated by almost entirely indigenous Brits, people who mostly respected the concepts of law and order and were on board with the "policing by consent" social contract that formed the ethos behind Robert Peel's Metropolitan police force.

Those days are very much gone and London is now a zoo in a lot of lower income areas. The time has probably come for a more militarized, American style police presence. Unfortunately.

Ok captain conformity, thanks for that.

Shut up, hippy

Im the opposite of a hippy you jackass; sorry i don't think that a police state is something to strive toward. Get the governments proverbial dick out of your mouth.

Did you miss me writing "unfortunately" at the end, you dense bastard?

Unfortunately, a necessary evil, etc means you support it, so my point stands. I'm done quibbling over semantics. Enjoy your subversion.


It collects semen effectively


Guns for show. Knives for a pro

Are you saying knifes are faggy when you compare them to guns?

Try changing your motto to muslim free, you faggot brit fucks, and get some results.

Idiot fucks.

95% of knife crime in London is carried out by blacks.

These people just will not behave.

That’s impossible. Look at the advertisement, it depicts a white man. That must be the target audience.

Black men are almost exclusively used in ads as partners of young white women.

And quite a lot of middle class young women have bought into it, to the extent of marrying and starting families with black guys. Now, of course, there are a lot of those couples I'm sure that love each other and are happy together. But I personally know of at least two young women who use their status as part of an interracial couple as a sort of social accessory to make them seem more interesting and open-minded.

I'm not a racist and couldn't give a fuck who wants to marry or procreate with who. None of my business. But some of these slags refer to their young families as "tribes" and constantly go on about their "caramel" babies. They're the racists, using these guys and their offspring as a way to get social media brownie points from their online "friends." I've even seen the guys they're with realise it once or twice, and the look on their faces, as they realise they're essentially props in the mind-movie of a narcissist, doesn't bode well for either couple's future.

"Caramel babies," is making me unreasonably angry.

>brownie points

The brownest

The important question is, who is behind this targeted propaganda against the white man and why is it the jews?

In all seriousness, I've got a couple of friends in advertising. In London at least it's reasonably well-educated white guys from decent backgrounds who are in a race with each other as to who can appear the most "right on." All of the ones I know have one thing in common. They never comment on anything political or newsworthy except to give the most perfunctory and banal regurgitation of whatever is the accepted wisdom. They don't have opinions, they have soundbites.


Didn't even clock it. Honestly the shit the (((whoevers))) try to push just washes over me. It's laughable that they have to feature a white kid in an ad pleading for brown people to stop stabbing each other, or else they'd chimp out and start stabbing each other. This logic doesn't really work on any level tbh.

See what happens with no guns, it's all just stabby stabby stab stab.

Import people from a different culture that you never voted for, make it illegal to notice that they aren't assimilating, make it illegal to defend yourself, make it illegal to talk about the fact they killed your family. White people will go extinct and think they're virtuous for it.


I hate the way you homos write the date over there, it's fucking annoying.

Nice hat stupid.

"Caramel babies," is making me unreasonably angry.

>brownie points

The brownest

The important question is, who is behind this targeted propaganda against the white man and why is it the jews?

Thats because its a sport that only one country plays. Isn't it the job of some fat bastards just to get in the way and thats it? A blind person could do that.