Opie never has to worry about money because no matter what happens he's got a Manhattan apartment and a Hamptons beach house. Two places that will never lose their value. Ant bought a poorly constructed mcmansion in a Long Island suburb next to a highway right before the real estate crash.

1  2019-02-12 by JoeCumiaIsaRapist

He will never be able to get back what he paid. Joe Cumia bought the compound west on a 25 year mortgage when he was 65 when his solo source on income is free onion rings at a bar once a month. So it's safe to assume Ant also pays for that.


You laugh now but the price of giant, plastic dinosaurs has skyrocketed over the last few years. Anthony has a sound investment strategy.

He only needs to get his 330 subscribers to each buy 150 blade runner DVDs from deepdiscount with his promo code every month to keep his pool heated.

“Gone Fishin’” with Danny Glover had quite a few to unload as well.


Joe could help him out with some cash. He has official commemorative coins which are valued like sunken Spanish bullion

Don't forget the gold holographic sets of playing cards, Libtard!

Anthony's McMansion has also been worth almost a million dollars less than its purchase price for years. He's also taken out loans against it to keep CP Media afloat. What a dumb nigger.

Poor little mug lost everything asserting his right to call black people punctuation marks


Why is Opie so tragically sad and broken-hearted though? He does indeed have everything you said, but still posts pathetic videos from the beach in which he sounds morose and delusional and bitter.

Because he's the only one who realises if it wasn't for his two gay pedophile weirdo co hosts sabotaging everything they would still be making 3 million a year idly talking over YouTube videos 15 hours a week.

Yeah, his timing really sucks.

Ant's thought process: if you can't have kids, fuck em

It's not even that impressive of a house. It's your typical run of the mill suburban McMansion built during the early 2000s.

He always talked about it on the show as if it were Versailles.

Yeah but he has a jacuzzi and a pool tho.

Stupid cunt didn't realize a combined jacuzzi/pool can't run the jacuzzi by itself in the wintertime.

Also buried two ghetto propane tanks in his front yard for his underpowered generator.

Fucking wop.

Versailles was hilarious.

Speaking of Versailles, if you ever want to remind yourself why you should hate chinese people, visit Versailles.

They are the worst tourists in t he world. We get them out here in Joshua Tree, not a boatload mind you, but groups of them. No sense of personal space, stupid in general, and they are known street shitters.

I hate them so much. No sense of spatial awareness, which means they collide you and mob museums, they spit, they're not polite, don't try to talk the native language...
They are a scourge.
When I went to Versailles for the first time in years, I was in The Galerie des Glaces, which is the pinacle of the place and some yellow cunt shooed me, repeating in an atrocious english "Photo!".
I was so dumbfounded I didn't react. God I wish I just started a brawl and massacred him in front of that poor excuse of a wife.

I don't know what it is, but the Asian tourist interrupting everyone and not giving a shit to take a photo is one of the most accurate stereotypes. I remember being a kid in Manhattan in the late 90s, and the amount of guys just holding up sidewalk traffic to take a picture of a random-ass building was astronomical. It's like they have no concept of rudeness so they don't even think about it.

The stories are a trip. I think Brazilians are a close second after the Chinese.

How's that tree doin, good?

Non whites are destroying European culture and history. They must be dealt with.

Anthony is the black version of white trailer park trash. To him the compound is nothing short of Versailles.

A 150k house in the Midwest would be better than the mcmansion. Also remember all of the money drained out of him by blackmail for keeping his secrets.

Buying a house on Long Island is essentially a nightmare. The taxes start at 10k for a decent house in a decent neighborhood (unless you want to live in the boonies out East). At least if you buy a cheap house in the Midwest, you can just buy the house for cash and pay next to nothing to keep it afloat.

Hey now! Those columns are very impressive

He always talked about it on the show as if it were Versailles.

I wish it were Verdun.

You realize that when you’re white trash, it is most definitely Versailles.


Anthony and Joe are born losers.

The true definition of "losers". You strike the financial lottery, and still manage to let it burn down in spectacular fashion.

They make Rodney King look financially prudent.

While Ant made a dumb choice, Opie is paying $30,000 per month in mortgage. Plus half that in all the fees that they hit you with in nyc (especially by his fancy-pants building) $80,000+ per year for his kids schooling and possibly his mothers long term care (another $80,000+ annually. I’m sure he’ll be fine, but still.

He made millions for 10+ years until Anth ruined it

The opester pays cash.

You act as if Opie financed his house. He paid for that shit outright, son.

In nice manhattan condos they still hit you up for 20kish a month for "maintenance" fees i.e. Doorman, porter, super, etc

Wow! Is there such a thing as a middle class in NYC, or is it all just rich people? I see the housing prices in NYC, and it's insane.

In Manhattan it’s mostly rich people. Unless you live somewhere like Chinatown or a rent control apartment/ have owned a place for years. You could also split a studio apartment with a few very close friends..

Now keep in mind that I’ve never been closer than Baltimore to NYC so don’t take my word for it.

I'm in the process of selling a house worth more than Anthony's.

It's a pretty basic 4 bedroom house. No pool etc. Garden is overlooked by neighbours etc.

This man does not know how to invest.

Can we set up hidden cameras in the toilet?

Two sides of the same shit coin, Randy.

Love a good Shitism

You know, I always thought that he had a nice, sort of old mansion on a big piece of property. Rosslyn and the neighboring towns is a really nice area with lots of old money and beautiful houses.

Well, my curiosity got the better of me and I saw that it's a typical Long Island McMansion on a small piece of property, and it's not even in the good part of Rosslyn. It is quite literally on the wrong side of the highway, separated from the uber-wealthy Old Westbury and the merely wealthy Rosslyn by 25A.

It's a Mineola McMansion except this dude talked about it like it was The Breakers.

Roslyn with ONE R

Hard R Roslyn

An embarrassing error on my part...I've spent too much time in the DC area...

I'm with you on my former picture of The Compound. I always pictured it like the houses you would see on Great Falls Road, Potomac, etc.

What I am trying to say, is that Anthony Cumia is a "n person".

Are you suggesting Nana is on the nigger side of Roslyn??

Whatever side he's on is the nigger side.

Anything is a step up when you’re living in a piece of shit garden apartment in central islip with your three siblings.

I definitely remember him saying once that he grew up in East Islip, which is a very nice town, I guess they moved to CI once his dad went to CA or something.

I think he might have tried to split the difference once by saying he lived in Islip Terrace.

There's no mortgage like an upside down mortgage

Cuz the upside mortgage dont stop...

Barrack gone take Ant's money, the bank's gonna take Ant's compound, Ant's gonna take his life.

I don't think it's a terrible investment per se, or rather: Not great, but not terrible. And everyone essentially got screwed left and right during the crash. Plus the valuation of the block is still pretty good. Nana is still a faggot though, because his wop eyes were too big for his tummy.

You have to keep in mind: McMansions exist because of demands from people in higher-status occupations. Doctors, Lawyers, people who make good money that work for a living - but aren't uber rich - want places that can function like the homes they grew up in, while also reflecting a relatively immature idea of status. So you have the gaudy layouts like the one that Nana lives in, with a very clear path to work that you could theoretically take everyday (hence living near the highway). You'd think these people would know better, but again: These were people that believed they had to "suffer" in the middle class, until they earned X. They're off the leash as far as they're concerned, and they're now trying to live the life they've always pictured, while not really having the money to keep up with that kind of gold coast lifestyle anyway. That's where The Compound comes in: It's a house he could've paid off and stewed in, IF he didn't fuck everything up. OR down the line; he could've unloaded it to some surgeon schlub, who'd only be able to spend 8 hours a day in the fucking place anyway. But he guinea'd it up too much, to the point that anyone trying to move in, would have to throw down some SERIOUS cash to remodel the whole shebang, interior and exterior. Paying that on top of the house cost? Why?

But what really burns me about Ant and his guinea idiocy, is that fucking "City Apartment". That faggot bought the place in Midtown, just so he wouldn't have to drive all the way back to the North Shore and could stay in Manhattan for work (or to do Red Eye once a year). He thinks he's Mr. Pragmatic with a move like that, but you're buying an apartment that you're only staying in a couple of times a year. Meanwhile, the better move would've been to RENT the fucking place, wait a year or so, BUY ANOTHER APARTMENT, then RENT THAT APARTMENT. With his income at the time, he could've had TEN apartments that he could've rented out simultaneously, in NEW YORK FUCKING CITY. It's a lock of a guaranteed income that he could've use as a supplement, and if the Jews sell the building he own places in; they'd have to pay him out near double for what he originally paid. So it's money all around, either way But when people like Nana sees 1 million dollars, they instantly think: Yacht, super cars, vacations, private jet.....

(went to check out his Zillow...lol: https://www.zillow.com/homes/for_sale/31089153_zpid/globalrelevanceex_sort/40.780248,-73.626118,40.77684,-73.631166_rect/17_zm/?view=public)

Did you read the description someone out on there? Fuckin funny

that's what i mean

He also invested a fuckload of money in a large gun collection, which was confiscated by the police.

He didn't invest shit. He just bought stuff.

It’s not a McMansion. It’s a compound!

Zillow doesn’t mention the karaoke stage. That has to up the value

Don't forget the horribly tacky planning Keith the cop's wife did for the inside with the Roman pillars and such.

Ant and Dave had a great show yesterday. That's all I care about.

What do I know, I just work my shift like everyone else, unload the semi and get home in time for dinner with the misses

That sounds fun.


I am beginning to think that Anthony is a dumb nigger

Manhattan high-end real estate is shitting the bed right now. The market there got super hot after the recession and it's starting to cool down again. All the financial professionals are moving out to Connecticut and Long Island (like Suffolk county to stay close to the city). Not sure about the Hamptons property - if you're not on the water it's probably not worth much more than a high end home anywhere. Even if he could sell it for $2-3 million, that's nowhere near enough to live off of or build a nest egg to live off of capital gains.

Property is an amazing way to preserve value and can appreciate admirably over time, but overall unless you're buying top end luxury penthouses or massive super mansions, it isn't storing THAT much value. Given the average US home is like $250k.

That's because they keep falling down the stairs and breaking every bone in their body due to advanced neglected primary osteoporosis stupid.

That's 90% of my patients.


thank god I'm making 20k a year.

He only needs to get his 330 subscribers to each buy 150 blade runner DVDs from deepdiscount with his promo code every month to keep his pool heated.

Cuz the upside mortgage dont stop...
