Nice feet Captain Marvel, ya dingy broad.

1  2019-02-12 by LoouisCuCkpartDeux


Cmon. Those can’t be real celeb toes. be real! Giddyup!

the duchess of cambridge?

Proof? Those are hideous.

Is my word as a fellow brothaman not enough?

Normally yes. Not to motherfuck you or anything.

Ha "dirty cryptkeeper feet". The author must post here

The author is actually me.

no they are brave

Are you completely incapable of googling brie+larson+feet or something?

That’s unfortunate

Looks like the life cycle of a snail

Ooof marone, she has feet like MY nana

Yuck. Men 60 years ago would throw rocks at the gross bitches today trying to pass themselves off on men


I hope that movie tanks worse than the Hulk movies

All indications are that its gonna be shit but it will get lots of 'ghostbusters 2016' type defenders. Anyone who openly says they don't like it will immediately be called lonely basement dwellers or angry white men.

It’s not gonna get that kind of hate, anyway. Sure, people here will hate it. But the only way it could be a bigger lightning rod among your average moviegoer is if they replaced all the Avengers with women for no apparent fucking reason.

every comic super fan making 20 minute videos and social media posts are already shitting on it. People trying to get 'access' through positive reviews of early screenings talk about the cat or just general 'best movie ever' shit with no mentions of Brie Larson being good.

Whats really gonna piss them off though is if they have her deal the 'killing blow' to thanos and all indications are they are getting ready to have her replace Iron Man/Captain America as the lead MCU character.

Those will both be included word for word in a patton oswalt tweet. Right after the one where he over emphasises how his daughter and all little girls can finally go to the movies or some shit.

The actress has the personality of cardboard, and the character stinks, movie will make some money and be overpraised by critics like black panther was/is

It's truly inspiring to see you girding up for this very important and very real battle in the culture war. Thank you for your service.

Did she do ballet or some shit? This doesn’t make sense.

It's not just that her toes are weirdly shaped and crooked but her toenails appear to be riddled with a disgusting fungal infection. There's no excuse for a woman with her money and access to beauticians/pedicures etc to have feet that fucked up. Probably some feminist horseshit message behind it - she's being "brave" by being so revolting or something

bitch got kunta kinte feet


Only thing worse than a lady with crypt keeper feet is a fella who’s into feet.

Why do chicks force their feet into shoes thinking it makes them look good? Guys don't care about your dumb shoes, we care that your horrendous feet don't make you borderline unfuckable.

Does that bitch kick bricks for a living?

Her smile is very off-putting. It's like a cadaver face.

Oh, and nice toenail fungus, stupid.



I have PTSD from looking at these

It's not just that her toes are weirdly shaped and crooked but her toenails appear to be riddled with a disgusting fungal infection. There's no excuse for a woman with her money and access to beauticians/pedicures etc to have feet that fucked up. Probably some feminist horseshit message behind it - she's being "brave" by being so revolting or something