
1  2019-02-11 by cheeznuts


This hate this fat sissy

Ugh, what a lying faggot. I've never seen such a squishy insecure sack of shit try SOOOO hard to convince people he's some kind of tough guy.

He wrote himself a scene like in a comic book movie with the sullen superhero drinking along in a bar before taking care of an unruly customer.

Knowing it's all fabricated, I'm shocked he didn't slip something in about the guy being a diehard Trump supporter

He’s trying to portray himself as a modern-day Hemingway when everyone can see he’s just an ugly fat doughboy who writes embarrassing sci-fi trash. Hopefully he goes out the same way though.

Might I recommend you look up Joseph Cumia?

I like that he's constantly in bars drinking himself to death and instead of writing a book he's making up stories to make him sound tough.

Plenty of us have seen his court records, this faggoty goody-two-shoes doesn't have shit on his record more than a moving violation. Needy attention-seeking cunt like to pretend like he's some kind of wild card with a short fuse and always ready to throw down, and I can gurantee you that he's never been in a legit fight.

The only interesting thing about his records was the complete lack of support he pays his ex while claiming the kid he doesn't get to see is his and not Adrienne and Jonathan's

Patrick is the protagonist in his own sick delusional reality. I hope he tires to play hero in a place that's actually dangerous.

Then the drunk guy goes to his car, retrieves a pistol, and shoots you in the face. Here’s a pro tip: shut your fucking mouth and walk away

"Zargon drew his space pistol and hissed 'You have foiled me one time too many!' Hat Trick Thomason, the strapping heronaut multi-versally adored by women of all shades, moved into his celebrated astro-karate stance, and retorted: 'Show me what you got, child.'" - Hot Nights On The Polka Planet

I love the legitimate reviews about his book and how perverted and awful they are. "Disgusting sex scenes with grammatical errors."

I love that "competent female characters" was the selling point of one of his novels. Might as well have advertised "adequate female characters" or "Mediocre female characters".

Patrick, she has no interest in fucking you. Her job is based on tips.