Brother Joe Productions presents: The REAL Anthony Cumia Documentary. Coming soon to Netflix.

1  2019-02-11 by ReasonableSafe


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2 delusional dullards. There's seriously something wrong with these people.

Permanently Suspended, the documentary we all want because the book is such a big seller.

I rate it 4 sharpies.

There already is a wonderful documentary on Anthony. Somebody on Twitter needs to send links to this fellow.

China is the obvious problem

Can we take a second and just focus on Zach Winn's response to Joe?

Completely ignores everything Joe just said to go on an inane rant about how optimistic we were in the past and 80s nostalgia MAHNNNN. Then ends it with an out-of-nowhere dig at China. At no point in the response is anything said in the first two tweets addressed.

China is the obvious problem

Hollywood liberals with their Chinese 70 cents on the dollar global hoax material partial birth abortions death taxes


Joe is such a leech.

The Justice Network maybe

I bet antonw could get a documentary about my brother's amateur radio network in Netflix. Do ya?

I don't know who Zach Winn is, but I hate him.

Sounds more like someone pulling Joe's leg. It's all too perfect.

Ongoing saga? A boy with tits and an egg?

He's right about the 80's nostalgia but besides that everything I just read is completely retarded

joining us this morning is renowned china expert zach winn. good morning zach.

Wasn't there a documentary crew following AntH around a couple of years ago? I recall he even posted pics on his twitter.

That was a documentary about (shockingly) people mad about getting kicked off Twitter. He did a short interview that got posted here and it showed how deeply entrenched he is in the lie about losing his job. Still claims it was for truthful but politically incorrect critiques of the black community

Damn twitter is/was his whole identity. Pathetic.

Yeah? How many followers do you have? Take a look around at your pathetic life and ask yourself: who would you rather be?

Soundtrack by Almost Journey, right Joe?

“Thanks on Ants behalf”

Joe is now, amongst other delusional titles like rock star and biker, a spokesperson

He should DEFINITELY take on this project. Spend every last cent Ant has on it, Joseph.

this zach winn character deserves to be lynched