Solo acoustic brother Joe ruined a girls night

13  2019-02-11 by Virginia_Beach



So Joe gave a negative review to the bar where he played a Solo Joe show?

This is a great little piece to add to send out to his future venues.

He's a a bonafide actual retard in the truest sense of the word.

Card carrying

"Testa Paige" sounds like a totally reasonable, actually alive person.

Looks like she edited her review, too.


What a fat baby Joey man tits is. But if anyone badgered him or his stupid fucking cosplay act, he’d try to talk circles around them and call them stupid mellinials.

‘Mellenials’ might be a suitable collective name for disciples of Our Saviour.

All heil St. Mel.

This was lame when it started and it's fucking unbearable now. Just fucking stop.

Yeah, I know. I shouldn’t have even responded.


‘Mellenials’ might be a suitable collective name for disciples of Our Saviour.

That's queer. You're confused sir.

I mean, I don’t disagree but the fact it bothers you so much is also funny.

She edited her post. Haha Holeee Shit!!

If that’s a fake profile from one of you autists, don’t fuck this up.

nobody knows nothing

Keep your eyes on a swivel.

You know full well the page is going to be flooded with bad reviews from people here who dont understand subtlety.

"Testa Paige" is too weird a name to be invented by an overweight male from here.

Great stuff

I would hate for anyone of you guys to bring this to Joe’s attention on his Twitter account. I’m blocked.

The comments are funny as fuck

She's really Testa'ing her luck publicly bashing a samcro member.

“Not quite rude, but a bit abrupt” what a sensitive faggot.

Baby Boomers, more like "Big Baby" Boomers folks

Joe Cumia is a special snowflake

Because servers have multiple tables to attend to, not just one with a cow faced fat long winded asshole like Joe. I bet this cock smoker took forever when he was talking to her. Like in the people’s court when it seemed like he was trying to choose the biggest words he knows. God damn it am I embarrassed at how much I hate this sack of dago shit.

Joe is the guy at the table that swears he’s being hilarious but every single joke is the same as every other middle aged white guy.

Server : “ can I get you anything else tonight?”

Asshole : “ how about a stack of cash hahahaha”

After waiting tables for like 2 years in high school I decided to keep my dignity over graveling for the $2 tips and started rolling my eyes at these corny douchebags.

“This is free right?!” Hilarious, sir.

Joe is definitely the type of creepy old man that tells a young woman to “smile more” when she’s not wearing makeup

Edit: or ask if they’re sick

"cow faced" is a spectacular description of Joe

Like in the people’s court when it seemed like he was trying to choose the biggest words he knows.

Guess that explains why he said the word 'pedophile' over and over again, unprovoked.

The mozzarella sticks were pedestrian at best. He shan't be gracing this establishment again.

"Life experience" an old waitress would have a better sense of how to properly bring a retarded old fat goober a plate of chicken wings and a beverage.

Now if I've taken anything from Bar Rescue, for every person who complains there's at least ten who won't bother and simply won't come back.

agenbite of inwit

The staff at this place is cunty, not abrupt.

Joe keeps this whole thing we have here going.

because they're so young. Anthony will be dining here next week.

"6 minutes ago" - Honestly Joe should be honored by how hard this sub stalks him.

James Joyce is a really nice bar/restaurant

Why are they letting trash like Bro Joe in there??

Clearly they aren’t aware of his child spit addiction and that he isn’t a pedo.

If Testa Paige is a real person, then I want her sitting on my face ASAP.

These people dont even know Joseph Cumia? Bassitt of 2U, brother of RICH AND FAMOUS ex - millionaire shock jock anthony cumia? The fucking nerve of these peasants

"they should hire"....despite having zero work experience, Joe feels compelled to offer advice to James Joyce Pub & Eatery

I can’t believe Testa outed Joseph Cumia, who wrote the negative review below hers, as the shitty performer who ruined her experience at James Joyce Pub & Eatery. Fuck Mel, all hail Testa!

Solo Autistic Brother Joe

I really fucking hope that he played In the air tonight

omg thats so atrocious.


I wish you autistic fucks we’re fans of The Big Three and wrote Perry lots of $10 shout outs. We’d have some real fun over that.


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I can always count on Solo Faggot Joe to liven things up around here. We’re his biggest and only fans

Whenever I see another excellent Joe Cumia screencap, the first thing I hear in my head is him saying “this is the Joseph lane” from that self indulgent Vine he made while driving

This Joe Cumia is an entertainment gold mine.

I like that bar they do James Joyce burgers’s, they let anyone play there though.

‘Mellenials’ might be a suitable collective name for disciples of Our Saviour.

That's queer. You're confused sir.