A successful and highly in demand comic has to break a last minute engagement to do a non paid favor for a 'pal' and then The Worm admittedly blocks him from his morning show. "D.L. was a hard 'no'"

1  2019-02-11 by Hamburger212


What makes you think DL wouldn’t have been paid?

because Worm

You realize it was “Jim’s show” but it was owned and produced by VICE. DL would have been compensated just like all the other people who appeared on that shit show.

I didn't. I thought it was for a V.O. for Jimmy cartoon

Ah. That would make sense. Too many failed projects to keep track of.

Hey just noticed.. It's your 4th Cakeday dumbshowreference! hug

I still can't get over his pouting, faggot face here lol

because Worm