I don’t think Joe knows what omnipotent means. It’s amazing how he contradict himself without evening realizing it.

1  2019-02-11 by RBuddCumia


When did Joe (by which I mean Anthony) become Pro-Life?

The day he enjoyed child spit.

If full term termination were an option to Roe, I bet she would’ve taken it.

It was her dying wish.

If only retroactive abortions were available for fat retarded old goobers who endlessly babble.

I don't think he knows what God means. Idiot is referring to karma. He is a faithless sodomite which would explain his ignorance.

I live in VA, not ONE person I have spoken to in the past week has mentioned either the blackface or the abortion shit. No one fucking cares, except for people who don't live in VA.

That's pretty much how it always goes

Are 800+ month abortions an option? Joe should have been smothered.

“Omniprotent” - big word for you cunt. You actually looked it up and read something for the first time in a decade