
1  2019-02-11 by ChocolateDrink


the cockodile hunter

The dialacock hunter

The cockophile punter

"You're awlroit mate you're alwroit"

sits down

Ere I am with a wyold peckah!!! Ima slowly drop me pants and take a seat, hopefully it don’t ruin my bippy

Aww that’s what’s easy mate. WAIT WAIT - eee must have a loose cooter or suthin! I don’t have a loose cooter... No I don’t. Let’s take a call on the didgeridoo-


what was that? your phone crapped out.

Cut that part out

We don't do baby noises here

The cockophile punter

“50 is a ripe old age to be a cock-hubgry HIV positive faggot.”

Oi this big boy is about six inches in length, if I'm not careful I could get hurt. What? The what hunter? No, I haven't seen it, I heard about it but I didn't see it.

Isssssnnn'ttt heeee gorgeous!!

It's amazeen mate it maykes a bit of a frolic sensing the scent ove me bungerr

"But, I'm not gay..."


Ain't shee a beaut?! Ya gotta geev it 50 token or it'll shrivel up on ya!