According to racist pedophile Joe Cumia, showing someone his old tweets is "borderline terroristic/sociopathic behavior".

1  2019-02-11 by LETS_KILL_JOE_CUMIA


Yup, we're liberal SJWs.

Whatever you say Joe, you filthy nigger.

In fairness, there has been an influx of dickheads from chapo trap house trying to mingle, but they are having as much luck as the mdes so its all good.

When I was fucking with faggot Joe online, all he kept talking about was how I should be afraid he will be told who I am one day or how I should be afraid of him showing up at my door. What a fucking loser. Nobody is afraid of you Joe. You are an old fat piece of shit.


A cow is both scarier and smarter than Joe.

Not only that, they're sacred (India) and provide food on our table.

Two things Joe will never achieve.

Joe wanted to sue Beige for reading his posts on Facebook and Whackbag out loud . That sweet $2000 peoples court payout has gone to Joe’s head and now he thinks he’s a lawyer.

And he got the girl

Is that real? Where did he say he wants to sue?

He called Beige out in a tweet asking him to dox himself so he can sue him.

"If you lie, you lose." He lied the entire time about his racist tweets (and wore his stolen valor t shirt) and the judge knew it yet he still won because the other guy refused to mail a letter.

The United States Postal Service really motherfucked him on that one.

Why is everything political with this dumb fuck? He just strings together cliches and buzzwords in a desperate attempt to sound smart. Also who asked for this? He constantly writes these lengthy diatribes like the world is desperate to hear the opinions of some 60 year old boomer spastic.

He’s so fucking hateable.

Joe Cumie: the Facebook Philosopher

Because hes a retard

I love how old retards like Joe still don't understand how the internet works. Or trolling. And he continues to post where his next gig will be, knowing what we will do with that info.

They don’t understand troll twitter accounts either. As they always seem to point out the number of followers they have for some reason


He blames political opponents but I'd wager it's people of allll makes and models that just hate his shit personality.

C. It's funny

This man is definitely going to kill someone some day. Hopefully himself.

So, so, so, so, so, so I'm a liberal SJW because of speech? Ahhhhh....

Imagine being 60 and not having a clue how anything in your own society works. At all. Sue away, Joseph. You too, Ant. ;-)

Let's kill Joe Cumia.

Tally ho theater, Lessburg VA, let's do this boys.

To be fair, he may not fully understand how the internet works. He is a monumental buffoon.

So so so so so so so your saying that poor soccer mom who witnessed a crime and now has to testify under the condition of anonymity because bad people will do bad things to her is unfair and she deserves that "rightful" retaliation?

It's funny how he doesn't realize that everyone despises him because he's a dough-bellied trashy goober and not because of his gassy cartoonish "beliefs". He could be painting Hannah Gadsby's toenails at the gay pride parade in a Hillary 2020 shirt and he'd still be exactly as detestable as he is now.

How is it defamation to post your actual archived tweets?