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1  2019-02-11 by crookedmile


It's finally happening.

It think the right thing to do would be to kick him while hes down

Is this a new low for him? It seems likely that Joe sells his stuff whenever he needs to buy some fake biker gang merch. He probably tells Ant he needs to replace stuff "cos blacks" constantly.

I admit I get hopeful when the demise of the Cumias seems imminent. There are other factors that make it seem real this time.

  1. Ant taking out loans.

  2. Keith throwing out free viewing days to drum up business.

  3. The stupid book.

  4. Opie not too long ago saying he won't invest in him.

  5. His do nothing chick left him without a court proceding.

The opie investment scam failed horribly, im so glad the brotherman saw through it, and the fact that Anthony is so broke he thought about trying it is also wonderful

  1. The view count of most shows is in the 300 range

  2. Absolutely no social media for an internet personality

I must have missed his break up with Muscles. Ant must have these girls sign non-disclosure agreements and send them hush money. If one of them would be kind enough to share some stories here, Im sure it would be informative and educational.

Throw in a Looper. DigiTech. And you've got yourself a goddamn deal.

I like how Joe told us the brand of looper he uses in his little promo video. Like anyone gives half a fuck.

His allowance is drying up

How can it be 1995 and 1999 at the same time?

If you remember buying an amp in the late 90s, you weren't really there maaan


This guy really loves his low end student level equipment.

I suppose the fact that this amp cosplays as an expensive blackface tube amp, that's good enough for this cheap gaudy cunt.

Audiophile queer

Take your soundbar & ethnic child & hit the road, pal.

I think someone here posted a Facebook post where he was saying they're so much better for touring since no tubes and sound so amazing.

I'm sure The Edge (I feel gay typing that) uses solid state and not some vintage style tweed for reliability sake. Or Joe is just a poor nigger.

I'm sure his music sounds like shit no matter what he plays on.

If you can't hear the difference why pay the difference

"The first guy who came by to look at my amp was a big black thug. He was too hard. The second guy who came by to look at my amp was a young bearded Millennial with those big wooden disks in his earlobes. He was too soft.

The next guy was a disabled veteran who lost both arms battling ISIS. His newborn son was teaching him how to play guitar with his feet and he'd advanced to a point where he needed to beef up his sound a little. He was just right. I gave him a $10 discount to thank him for his service. God Bless This Country And Our President"

Looks like he’s really starting to get a feel for how contracts work.


"I also got these cheeseburgers..."

Offer him $100. He'll take it without even countering.

It is USED and CLEAN

Hey Joe, Home Depot's hiring.

I admit I get hopeful when the demise of the Cumias seems imminent. There are other factors that make it seem real this time.

  1. Ant taking out loans.

  2. Keith throwing out free viewing days to drum up business.

  3. The stupid book.

  4. Opie not too long ago saying he won't invest in him.

  5. His do nothing chick left him without a court proceding.