1  2019-02-10 by TangerineReam


Congratulations faggot. You're raising your kids to be cucks. Might as well show them how to use the video camera while she gets her back walls power fucked by an oil spill.

Why would you do this...?

You obviously hate her/she despises you.

"This annoys me." My wife died from pancreatic cancer last year so go fuck yourself.

Sorry for your loss, man.

Thanks ... Sundays are rough. I’m working through it.

Keep your dick up hombre.

was Phillip Marma your wife?

fawkin brootal, all in with it

Thoughts and prayers.

this is the first Faggot post I have replied to. Those two fucking kids have no chance. They are probably divorced because she fucked every guy she met and then took all of his money. This guy is the fucking worst

shes your ex wife for a reason moron

Is your wife giving a good example of how women should treat your sons?

What a fucking cuck

Way to publicly congratulate yourself for making some shitty pancakes for your cunt wife. Why don't you be an example by not fucking up your marriage?

I wonder what her boyfriend does for her.

brings her to orgasm while married

He's doing the right thing there. His holier than thou attitude is disgusting, though.

I’m torn if he wanted the divorce or it was mutual I agree if she walked out- you just can’t do stuff like this human psychology is what it is and outside of true saint like devotion you can’t be a doormat.

you don't openly shit talk the ex in front of the kids, you remain civil, but you don't treat them like you are still married when you got divorced. Its teaching them to be professional 'friend zoned' cucks.


I think I see a Worm in the backround.

"Birthday Cake?! I need to call my sponsor!!!"


He is an attention seeking faggot but still this is pretty true


He posted this expecting to get lots of pats on the back for being such a great dad. Die faggot!

I honestly thought that was Kuhn until I realized this person has two nostrils.

Hopefully he's teaching the two ne'er-do-wells to use ima.

I'd love to see him spew this sort of meddling, and ultimately belittling virtue logorrhea in the presence of a normal woman, or better, a real/traditional feminist. Runaway steamroller is fine too.

“Ima break it down for you all.” Are ya, Vanilla Ice?

This tool should put his kids in tutus like that other faggot from last week and they can all do pirouettes together in the living room

can someone photoshop Chris Kuhn's face on that guy?

Wouldn’t his sons see him treating their mother with respect if he just simply treated her with respect all the time? If I thought he was being genuine, I would defend the guy because our sons do emulate us. But humble bragging it on social media is pretty telling.

There's something wrong with him; nobody normal delivers this sort of moral lecture unasked. You're right, simple example is enough, and more effective than dogmatic talk like this.

Who is it?

Whyd this get deleted?

This did? Can you see it?