I think they nailed this place.

1  2019-02-10 by betadromes


Nigguh aint lying.

This was posted on a thread I made weeks ago out of no where.

It especially hurts hearing this from u/bootsiejenkins.

Wait...is that THE . u/bootsiejenkins ?

I think he might be u/bootsiejenkins

u/bootsiejenkins, any further comment?

It's February, he's busy celebrating his history by raping white women

real niggas add the incorrect spelling to the dictionary

He apostrophed yall. Confirmed white guy who hates himself for being white

Possible auto correct. I don’t think I’ve ever posted on Reddit from a computer

Can't argue with the facts.

us lowly panera workers don't know the luxury working for uber

For them, having a stable job is like being the CEO of multinational corporation. I commend him, he could be selling crack or robbing old ladies.

Probably too lazy to do both.


If only they stopped at robbing.

when they have a part time job at wal-mart and also do uber/lyft they call it a 'side hustle' in an attempt to sound cool. Once you realize all that slang is no better than nerds using 'pwn' or 'epic' in real life they are even more useless than you ever imagined.

You just know he eats their food before delivering it

PeoPLE caALled BoOtSIe hAve GoOD pArEntS

White people? Who's white? The belly-button creature? KillaKuhn? This is a POC majority sub.

Plenty of British too unfortunately

He said people of colour

Nice colour, stupid.

It’s a race not a paint

Still spelled like a retard for either meaning.

If yellow counts for skin it counts for teeth

Islam is not a race, though

I'm a tree nigger

Isn't that just a victim of a lynch mob?

Sounds redundant

An echo chamber of mediocre white people could describe just about every sub.

the definition of reddit

Yeah but theres more to it

Holy fuck. I don't know where this will go next but I'm ready.

U already know whats about to go down & u niggas best not try and cockblock me

neither hot nor wive applies to you.

just joking, you are fine.

Very good

leave bootsie and his giant penis alone

Where da white wimyn at?

Pardon me while I whip dis out

Where do I sign up

On that big smelly crouton on your belly

Niggaz be lovin group sex as long as there's one woman and four cocks in the room. But don't you dare imply that's gay.

What's Gary Busey got anything to do with this orgy ?

At least the mods had the sense you remove it

Definitely HIV+

the more leddit is engineered to be a hugbox for these people, the more outrage you're going to see when the slightest glitch in their system leaks out

Coming from someone who isn't even people, that hurts.

Sick burn Nia.

Judging by this fine young lads comment history, he is a black dude that does nothing but rage about white people are oppressing him all day. Judging by the “mediocre white dudes” comments, he’s about as irrelevant to the world as it gets, but likes to imagine that his minority status gives him some sort of edge.

Made valid points.

Not just white people buddy

Niggers is retarded

Nana got a new account I see

Theres no white people here.

Black people of course are famous for open minded forums promoting diverse points of view. No echo chambers there.

It's both funny and sad when black people write like they speak. Now go play some hoops and listen to Beyonce, the white people have a planet to run.