Hero Of The Alt-Right

1  2019-02-10 by boringoneliner


Ol burro breath

She sort of is. Almost no one would know this cunt if the right didn’t obsess over her

Right Wing Boomers Try To Claim AOC, And That Is A Bad Thing.

I didn't know who she was until all the right wing faggots on this sub started crying about her. Now it's getting funny how much she pisses them off

Right. Because MSNBC, CNN, Vox, Yahoo, and the Huffington Post don't drool over this stupid cunt. She doesn't piss anybody off. She's fucking legally retarded and an indictment on the Democratic party and higher education in America. The bitch graduated magna cum laude from Boston University with a degree in economics and international studies- she is functionally retarded. She somehow could not find a job that was related to her degree, despite the fact that she checked every box on the Lib/Dem victimhood squares.


She doesn't piss anybody off.

Oh, ok

She's fucking legally retarded and an indictment on the Democratic party and higher education in America. The bitch graduated magna cum laude from Boston University with a degree in economics and international studies- she is functionally retarded in both of her areas of study. She somehow could not find a job that was related to her degree, despite the fact that she checked every box on the Lib/Dem victimhood squares.

Oh, gotcha

Shes argued as apex from when the democratic party goes from pandering to retards to being run by retards

So some see it as good while others see it as scary

And why highlight everything and remark with a fat pat tomlinson reply



Every singe declared democratic presidential candidate spent the week fawning over her since-rescinded green new deal. Why pretend like she isn’t a huge deal on the left. She’s the left’s somehow even shallower Sarah palin.

Please close your dolt mouth queer

All of these far-right conservatives are fawning over this woman, it's getting pathetic. It's like "Ok guys, we get it"

She would be so hot if she even tried a little.

? She's already trying super hard

Oh god I hope not.


There’s not a guy on the right who doesn’t want to give her a Green New Deal right in the old fossil.

She’s both crazy and behind the curve.

Crazy eyes, probably wild in the sack. Might bite your dick off with those monster teeth though

Burro dentures

Kill you!? What would I do without you? Go back to talking about Pelosi? Nonononono. You.... Complete me.

I’d like to see her beefers.

Bet she would have 13 year old Mexican boy mustache if she didn’t touch it for a year.

Hot stuff

You think that’s hot, imagine the hair on her ass!

I know right. She’s a brown angel.


I'd love to take a cinder block to her fucking face.

Look like a mahn

It's almost like she is an opposition plant to further destabilize the Democratic Party.

Her biggest quality of course are her beefers

What's her dumper look like?

Crazy woman of color less attractive than u/sams_seed 1/23

The future is female

Dumb as a bag of rocks.