Porsalin 2039

1  2019-02-09 by oandapartyrock


His sister is kind of cute for an older lady.


I'm not your fucking internet caddy. You have Google. Use it.

What do I Google?

Boris Johnson. The megalomaniacs on this sub love to withhold simple info to stroke their own faggot egos

You mean the Brit sub members who would know this? Like Porsalin and his alts?


Not bad? That's one hell of a Maxheimer.

The bitch is 53, it's all relative.

Also it looks like she has pretty good tits.

Oh sure, it's just she has the same type of mouth that's not for smiling.


Is Carol Maxheimer wife material?

I'm going with the consensus on this one and say nope.

Looks like the British Bulldog's wife.

Great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jellies

What a gay nigger

Oy sam, I made a documentary about how cool of a bloke you are :)

who the fuck is that? i have no idea.

A politician who was born in America

Donald trumps brother

the lengths bongs go to hide their grapefruit-sized receding hairline at the temples

Next prime minister, innit.

Your next president. American born.

The bitch is 53, it's all relative.

Also it looks like she has pretty good tits.

Oh sure, it's just she has the same type of mouth that's not for smiling.

Is Carol Maxheimer wife material?
