You guys are racist and that's not alroight

1  2019-02-09 by Shittinonniggers


Is that Troy?

troy after a year working with Sam as his boss

Nice eating disorder, stupid.

Jim is already buying tokens for this fella

This is how I see EVERY subscriber .

there was a public event with a line to see it and in the pic most were brown skinned asians

All he's missing is a star of david tattoo.

He said subscriber, not producer

I don't look like that πŸ˜„

Take Princess Alena's giant load in your ass and wait a while

Her sarcoma was INTOXICATING!

I wish I knew what that website was. I’m at the dinner table eating fake bacon with my family, thanks.

This guy, Ant & Joe Cumia are the three archetypical addict

Who is dis bitch

He scams people on twitter for skinny jeans and stencil tats.

Wtf is this thing

A Sims character with muscles scaled all the way down

A male Democrat.

Ever so slightly leaning on that wall for stability

"hey dad"

lol, imagine

I'd shoot him where he stood.

Fun fact: he has an erection in this photo but it's so tiny you can't see it.

Fuckin long-bone from the expanse.

Oh fuck he does look like one of them! I hope Earth g affects him the same way it does them.


this is what bobo would look like if his kidney issues got out of control


I would win against this guy in a fight.

Would 'ya?

Just keep kicking him in the nuts

Keep talking shit, he's been working out.

Is this the same guy?

Same lifeform, I think.

Same sexist tattoos


it's a chick

Who is this guy

It had an Instagram called Johnny's joy or something. I commented that it looked like a demon from a Hyeronemous Bosch painting and it blocked me. But I think it deleted it's Instagram altogether

The funny thing is that if Stalin came back and ruled the world the first people sent to the gallows would be American college kids who wear Che shirts, etc. They epitomize everything communism hates while mocking it by waving the flags. A Vietnamese dirt farmer ain't gonna see any difference between our college student fags and Bill Gates.

They are on the right side of history tho

Good find.

what is it

Pretty brave of him not to demand a blindfold.

"Ready.... Aim..."

what happened to this guy as a child to make him like this.

Roype! By an abbo

Deranged eyes.

He had a feminist single mother. It’s either this or they grow up to strangle prostitutes.

Isn’t that the guy from Against Me

Ill begotten zygote.

Auschwitz chic

That's the bull Sam uses for his wife.

Nice Holocaust body

people with more physical prowess than Ant, Jim or Sam

This is right under a picture of gross Big Jay, they should team up as an overly tattooed laurel and hardy act and then both jump in front of a bus.

Would you be more disappointed if this was your son or if it was your daughter?


whi iz dis bearded bitch?

Maybe the Holocaust did happen.

It didn't but it should have

behold the master race

Is that Jamie from Rogans podcast?

I bet the tattoos across the place where his chest should be say something absolutely profound that would probably alter the life path of a bigot such as myself.

Many were inspired by Henry Rollings.

If WWIII breaks out this is the caliber of man we'll be relying on to save the day.

We'll send them to the front with their faggy little flags and chants. Liveleak is gonna be awesome again.

This is a girl with an eating disorder who convinced her mom that if she trooned out then it would make her mental problems go away. So mom paid to have her daughter's little anorexic saggies removed and all the testosterone injections and of course nothing changed.

Hey cut the guy a break. He did give Richard Drefyuss' kid back after he ducked out from under the UFO.


That's worst case scenario for starving yourself. Keeping that fat head

It must be crazy being that deathly skinny but having a fat old man face

Looks like a faggier version of pencilnecked Fisher Stevens.

i would pay money to see someone drop kick that guy in the chest as hard as they could

politics and worldnews mod.. my guess.

This thing has the limbs of a praying mantis.

Men who exude more masculinity than Jim Norton 1/3.5 billion

i live in mid east, do these people actually exist?

The bar for personhood gets lower and fucking lower

This is what Jews want all men to be like by 2025

We really need to bring back bullying. This shit is getting out of hand.

The average male Crooked Hillary voter right there.

Want to maybe make this joke a 3rd time?

You sound triggered. Did your sippy cup run out of soy milk, my purple-haired pal? 😒

Between your screen name and this comment, you're a walking parody of an infamous type of moron. Congratulations.

Are you still triggered that your favorite rapist defender and friend of pedophiles Crooked Hillary failed miserably in an electoral landslide? Awe how sad! 😭

Don't cry too hard into your waifu, faggot!


Vurry good.

Is that a man pretending to be a woman or a woman pretending to be a man

A Sims character with muscles scaled all the way down

Take Princess Alena's giant load in your ass and wait a while

A male Democrat.