For a slow sub weekend: Gordon Ramsay calling his staff "Spics" and "Commies" back in the day, when they fucked up his food during service.

1  2019-02-09 by TangerineReam


Dont fuck with the Scottish boss

Commis not commies, it’s faggot french

even worse

Boiling Point and Beyond Boiling Point are actually good documentaries. They're from around 1999/2000 I think, back when Ramsay actually still worked in the kitchen. It was just before he got really famous in the UK. He was also about 18 stone (250 lbs), shooting blanks from standing in front of hot ovens all day and night and completely obsessed with beating his mentor Marco Pierre White in getting 3 Michelin stars before the age of 33.

They do talk about that in the doc. Funny thing is, years later; Ramsay gives Marco an actual gig on Master Chef Australia.

Marco is the original version of Ramsey, but 100 times more pissy and combative. It’s rumored that he made Ramsey cry like a bitch on several occasions.

Gordon screaming is funny, but for some reason Marco is a bit unnerving. There was a picture of a guy who complained about the heat and marco shredded is clothes with a carving knife.

Yeah, aware of their background together.

White never pushed himself to the extent that Ramsay did, never trained in France and is selling Knorr stock cubes now but he was an animal back in the 80s.

Funny how Ramsay completely copied his mannerisms and way of talking/insulting - "get out of the way you," always asking "do you know that" rhetorically, calling people "donkeys" etc.

Yeah, I watched an interview with him a few months back, he kind of just disappeared. Ramsey is a clone of his, slightly tapered.

White also has awful chain restaurants around the UK that he has absolutely no input into except the use of his face and name. The menu is burgers, steaks, fried chicken kinda shit.

Bourdain interviewed him before he died and he lives out in the country now out of the way.

and now he's the spokesman for Knorr bouillon cubes lol

Marco's claim to this however, was that Ramsay was SO competitive on his way up, that he'd chastise himself completely for fucking up even the slightest bit. I think Marco said once: "I've never made Gordon cry. Gordon made himself cry.".

A God among men.

Hilarious how he physically intimidates that Scouse monkey near the end of the clip.

Yeah, he walks him down and the scouse gimp literally cowers away from him. Ramsey is a big fucker and knows that he can back up his mouth.

Gordon fucking rules. He makes his profession and cooking, in general, seem like not a bitch thing for men to be interested in, even just casually. He makes cooking look like a skill but not to the point of being pretentious about it but also not just mindlessly following a cookbook recipe like some housewife. His life and career have been very well documented in a way that shows you've got to be a tough, hard-working son of a bitch to get to where he's at.

"Mr Chipmunk" made me laugh out loud. Such a childishly perfect way to diss that guy

He calls his head waiter a fat bastard when the air conditioning breaks. Slaps another one on top of the head repeatedly for "working from the floor."

Also, he's not calling them commies as in communists. He's basically demoting them from chef d'partie to Commi chef which is a step down.

Yeah, that I didnt know. But calling people Spics and Fags for fucking up in the kitchen is pretty funny.

What astounds me is: a vid with almost 2 million in 2019 this isn't coming back to bite him is beyond me.

I'm sure it will at some point. He's had a few recently. Bunch of social media tards were up in arms over him making some stupid comment to Sofia Vergara on Leno but it didn't stick. The other day I saw an article about people being pissy how he's opening an "authentic Asian" restaurant without an actual Asian chef in the kitchen.

PETA tried to give him shit when he made some jokes about Vegans ("I'm a member of PETA! People Eating Tasty Animals......"). Nothing really stuck because his public persona is to be a critical jerk anyway. So he's basically just staying in the safety of his character.

Meanwhile, if they're American, most of the food of any origin they're eating is being made by a fucking Pedro or Juan.

He's not calling them faggot as in gay cocksucker. They're being demoted to faggotini maestros.

does anyone else think its hilarious when super aggressive dudes are flipping out over french food being cooked perfectly

He fucking rules. He yelled “YOU FRENCH PIG!!!” To a guy. Made me laugh.

I went out to one of Ramsey's restaurants in London a year or so ago. The food was great. We left and went for a smoke outside. It was the end of the night and this big fucker comes bursting out of the side door with his chef gear on swilling a bottle of beer and jumped into a black BMW and sped off. It was Gordon Ramsey. We stood there in disbelief and asked another chef who walked out if it was him and he said it was and that Ramsey will randomly come in and work some nights to let off steam.

Much respect, yes.

Perhaps the only non faggot from the UK.

He looks incredibly Scottish there

He's the most entertaining person on TV. I highly recommend watching the Kitchen Nightmares UK episodes. They are completely uncensored and not nearly as produced as the American version. One of my favorite lines is when one of the chefs is putting this bead design around the plate with a sauce he made and Gordon says that reminds him of the pearl necklace he left on his girlfriend.