
1  2019-02-09 by RelevantField


I feel bad for him because he's going insane over his divorce. 5 bags of popcorn.

well hopefully she blows eric and odenkirk


It's free real estate...



he should have died in that fire

I really liked Tom Goes to the Mayor and Awesome Show when I was a dumb teenager (and still On Cinema to an extent) but I can't stand this guy any more. It's sad because he has a lot of creativity and none of it is being put to use. Just waxing poetic about politics on Twitter. Is it true he's getting divorced? If so I hope it was his wife's choice.

Yeah, Eric seems to be doing fine. I don't think I've seen one political rant from him.

Eric's more into cooking and directing videos for people

Sounds like he's doing fine then.

well he may be a hollywood faggot but nobody knows because he doesn't broadcast it

Eric is more into goading 15 year olds to have sex with him

Lol, right. Loved the show when I was 15, then I got laid.

I think I remember reading that he was fucked hard in the divorce.

It would be pretty cool if one day he realized the Jews start every war on earth.

this guy's protracted self sabotage over Tr ump and being called 'cuck' on twitter is one of the better spectacles of the past few years

I thnk his wife is asian which is good cause his kid is certain to have no soul just like him

To be fair though his "I am a cuck" song was at least self aware about that, but its def been sad seeing probably my biggest childhood hero turn in to such a complete faggot

What is it with beta males and their yellow fever?? Is their desire to be genetic dead ends & self hatred for being white so strong that they insist on shitting out mongrel hapa mutants that look nothing like them?? hopefully he doesn't have sons

his numerous jew friends (Wareheim, Vic Berger, Gregg Turkington, Israeli-American Ethan Klein) laugh at him behind his back

Asian GF’s are trophy wives for hipsters.

no, asian war brides are for republicans.

liberals date blue haired no hipped lesbians.

this is blindingly, blindingly obvious

Maybe, but MDE is choked with genuinely unfunny bitches

What did he do? I liked some of the stuff they did..

that movie with neil hambuger was the shit.

hes a good looking man as well.

This looks exactly like a fatter version of one of my cousins. Who is he?

well he may be a hollywood faggot but nobody knows because he doesn't broadcast it