
1  2019-02-09 by RelevantField


Almost nothing you post here is "relevant".

Not really.

His faggot wigger son is a better man than you and your father combined.

Did you have bring the homeless into this?

It’s unnecessary. Besides everyone knows nigger fathers all live in prisons.

Keep quiet, you homeless nigger or Tom "Hanks" will introduce you to a "hank" of rope tied in a way you might not appreciate. Remember, that water fountain isn't for you.

Shutup and blow me and then you can use the jacuzzi junior. Nice use of the word “Hanks”, stupid.

Stop using the McDonald's wifi and get back to the shelter you homeless nigger.

It’s a KFC. Actually.

Nope Tom Hanks rules

You didn’t hear about the child sweat factories?

National Treasure.

This is ugly.

Someone literally just wrote an entire book about how awesome and nice Tom Hanks is, it’s in the biography section at Barnes & Noble.

Not a faggot.

But a grown man browsing the Barnes and noble biography section? Total faggot. Shop online like a real O&A sub you socially adept cunt.

socially adept cunt...that's fantastic. He's totally a faggot, though. The volleyball would have been named Rita instead of Wilson, and had a "special hole" if he were straight.

Adept means skilled. You mean inept, you fucking retard.

No, I meant adept you fucking dolt... how stupid are you that you can't comprehend simple sarcasm, the simplest form of humor?

Btw you have chip in your screen name, tells me why you're so stupid and emotional. Typical Norton fan.

Who cares about someone's screen name? What are you, 5?

Obviously I do and am not 5... don't know many 5 year olds on this sub, or Reddit in general but w.e., I'd expect no less from someone who can't understand simple sarcasm.

Hey, he's a pedophile too, not JUST a faggot.