Thousand bucks says he has no idea who James Joyce is.

1  2019-02-09 by RBuddCumia


I read this book called 'An Underground Education' and the author somehow finagled a love letter he sent his wife and it was all about how he missed her filthy unwarshed ye olden tymes body. Part of it said how he wanted to 'glory in the sweat and stink rising from your arse' while he ruts her like a pig, and how much he loved to have her fart in his face.

And now you know... the rest of the story.

Thanks Paul Harvey!

Joyce is one of best, man. The high brow and the low brow, smashed together. I personally don’t think his later stuff holds up too well, at least so far as it’s not accessible; but Dubliners, especially the last story, The Dead, is about as good as modern literature gets.

Finnegan's Wake is fucking impossible to read

Joe is not a white man

MTV should send him a Cease and Desist from mentioning them ever again. Some of the best music to come from that cesspool was via it's "Unplugged" shows.

The execs at MTV probably forgot what Unplugged was.

Portrait of the Artist As a Old Retard.

Finnegan's Wake is more intelligible than any Joe Cumia Facebook post.

And fellow Irish writer Oscar Wilde is less of a homo.

I thought this was Bobo from the thumbnail

Joseph Dumbelus

By unplugged, he means he won't have a cock in his ass tonight, for a change.

Stolen Valor Tour 2019

One of my favorite Colin bits is his SNL bit where he talks about alternatives to getting hammered on st Patrick’s day being to read a 300 line poem about some guy who lost his hat in Dublin or go see a play about some foreclosed farm in county Clare.

The only thing unplugged was his mothers life support.

He'll play unplugged, but he'll have is ass plugged, that's for sure.

He absolutely believes he conjures up an eerie but alluring Nirvana unplugged style vibe at his bullshit shows.

What a hip reference to a television show that all the groovy kids are keen on.