Dog fucking, pedophile FAGGOTS

1  2019-02-09 by PeepholesCourt


Months ago Metokur had a video out about furries and at some point in the video it got so disturbing and disgusting that I had to turn it off. Furries deserve the same punishment as rapists, pedophiles and Cumias.

Is the Kero the Wolf video about their extensive animal torture trading scene? Saw that, absolutely repulsive. And I hated furries before that, and decided they belong in camps after that.

I don't know what the video's called, but yes they absolutely belong in gas chambers.

I think that's the one I mentioned earlier. It burns your brain and doesn't leave. Thinking about what they do to children to get off is infuriating. No word for the rage. The whole culture/group/cult should be firebombed.

I'd argue concentration camps are just too pleasant for furries

Whatever you do, don't look at Kiwi Farms video about "woof." What Josh says on the topic is 100% fact, supporting furfaggotry of any kind funnnels cash to sexual deviants.

I'm not gonna watch it because I don't want to be disgusted but here is a link for those who do want to watch:

If you can torture a dog, there's no hope for you. Such a genuine lack of empathy that you're a broken human. You need to be killed, pure and simple.

See you guys on r/Scorch

The furries gonna come get us?

It’s a protected class/fetish now.

these people, people who are into that fucking sounding shit, and scat fetishers are people who need to be gathered up and shot. fuck them.

also i know that some of you have to be into one of the above mentioned, and even though I don't know you I can say with certainty that the world is better off without you.

I knew a guy who was into that. He was actually a pretty good friend and a normal guy, with the significant exception that he liked to beat his meat to some kind of pink anime wolf.

I checked up on him recently and he's gone completely off the fucking wall. Not surprised.

And then God wept

I don't know what the video's called, but yes they absolutely belong in gas chambers.

I think that's the one I mentioned earlier. It burns your brain and doesn't leave. Thinking about what they do to children to get off is infuriating. No word for the rage. The whole culture/group/cult should be firebombed.

I'd argue concentration camps are just too pleasant for furries