Apatow on Louis C.K.'s return: "That hasn't been a positive thing"

1  2019-02-08 by PottybreakChip


Quelle fucking surprise Judd doesn't think the worldview he completely agrees with, that is being imposed on others by people including him, is a burden to comedy.

Apatow (left, with Holmes) has no problem with navigating political correctness: “It’s one of the fun challenges of working right now.”

The jews really loved the challenge of hide-and-seek wirh the nazis too

Yea navigating the perils of Jim Crow was just one of those fun challenges of being white in the south. Stalin got a kick out of life in Stalinist Russia too.

Can't wait for him to face the challenge of holding his breath long enough for the sarin gas to vent out.

Jason has no interest in so-called political correctness. He begins his act with a Joe Rogan–esque “What’s up, fuckers?!”, jokes about buying cheap birth control in Mexico (“Are you sure that’s a good idea? There’s a lot of Mexicans”) and vents about consent culture (“Am I supposed to write out a form that says, ‘Do you mind if we do a little fucking?’”).

I'd get a ticket to see Jason. He seems pretty funny.

What I don’t get is that the Mexican birth control joke isn’t even attacking Mexicans it’s not even attacking Mexican birth control since Mexicans are catholic and a lot them don’t use BC it’s attacking the stupid reasoning process.

Like it might be offensive to say something like was your Sex Ed teacher Puerto Rican because that doesn’t sound right. But the joke as written is offensive only if you think pointing out that there are a ton of Mexicans is racist- which kind of gives the game away- it’s not one bit racist to point that out but it is highly inconvenient if you want the US to remain a de facto open border country.

Nice explanation stupid.

Schinkle 'bout it

I never saw two men look so pathetic when I was a kid. Their Dad’s must be huge pussies.

But giving Artie more money and fame to acquire drugs is a positive thing.

I'm sure Arties sets are brimming with good natured humour and punching up.

Judd’s eventual downfall is going to one of the most epic things ever. It’s clear that he’s hiding something or from something. People don’t over compensate like this unless they’re mentally ill or trying to hide from something.

Eh I don’t think he’s over compensation I just think he knows the rules will never be applied to him and he’s gloating.

You might be right, but at least from my perspective I see it like those politicians who are anti gay and then are found having sex with other men, or the pro life ones who force their mistresses to have an abortion. His stature in the industry outweighs his actual talent. He’s played the game really well, but the content he writes and directs are just chick flicks marketed as comedies. He wants to have the same career trajectory as Adam McKay. McKays last two films have won a shit ton of awards including Oscar (Bale will likely win for best actor and he’ll likely win for best original screen play ). McKay directed Anchorman and is now an academy award winning film maker. fortunately Apatow lacks any substantial talent to ever win as a writer/director.

Lol there is like on example each for the first two scenarios you gave. For each one of those there are 200 Rick Santorum who actually oppose abortion and gay rights sincerely.

We can only hope. I really believe you don’t get to where he’s at in life without some skeletons in your closet. Hopefully it will be his undoing

It’s clear that he’s hiding something or from something.

I bet he's Jewish and trying to hide it.

Not all of ((us)) are like that or are a part of the militant left. Mel Brooks co wrote and directed one of the greatest comedies of all time (with Richard Pryor mind you ) and probably the most anti PC movie ever made ( by today standards). Even at 94 carries a pocket comb so he can do Hitler impressions. When we he called out the PC shit, dry drunk and shitty comedian Paul F. Tompkins said Brooks was old and should go away.

His involvement absolutely ruined that Gary Shandling documentary for me.

What the fuck did Gary Shandling see in this fucking lame idiot?

An ass kisser

Right, but I sorted gave Gary Shandling more credit than that...like, I would think he would at least pick a smart/funny ass kisser.

I'm not normally one for getting all worked up about celebrities, but something about Judd Apatow just provokes me like on one else. He's absolutely awful. He's one of the only things I can think of that I find "offensive."

You saw what he did to his face before he died? Vanity makes bad decisions

I wouldn't be surprised if he's got some skeletons in his closet but I think more than that he knows he's a prime target. He's a powerful white male in Hollywood and all the posturing he's been doing is insurance against getting MeToo'd. The thing is though it's exactly what Louis was doing. Before this all happened he was doing basically the same thing to a lesser degree, basically virtue signaling in hopes that what the comedy community knew would stay out of the public eye. A lot of celebrities do it because the reality of the situation is an accusation doesn't need to be true to ruin your career, it just needs to be made.

It's not like Judd is some piece of shit secretly. He's out in the open about how shitty he is. Just look at how he keeps Artie Lange strung on drugs for his show "Crashing". Nobody is looking at Judd Apatow thinking he's a good guy when he does shit like that.

It’s not a good thing when your celebrity producer has to be so heavily involved in the promotion of your show, nevermind the third fucking season of it. That means it’s failing and can’t stand on its own. It only exists because HBO wants to be in business with Judd, but even they’re losing patience and told Judd that he’d better get out there to promote because Pete’s not generating enough interest to justify continuing the show. Or maybe Judd’s just an egomaniac.

Judd loves being the center of attention. You never see someone like Jerry Bruckheimer do the the amount press or interviews that Judd does and his brand is strong enough just to have his name attached to movies or TV shows (From Jerry Bruckheimer.....). Judd’s a huge ego maniac. Judd also likes to surround himself with some the biggest betas to work in the field like Holmes and Paul Feig.

Apatow and Louis are competing in the same space - comedy TV shows - and one of them has 37 Emmy nominations and six wins.

But the other has brave fat girls and brave addicts.

Soo much more important.

God damn Louie is such a good show

I'm sure the club owners, servers and bartenders find it very positive that he is selling out their venues

At this point it should be legal for Louie to fight Apatow in a park somewhere.

Seriously, the jewbag should worry more about his whore daughter before he starts casting stones.

She's already lost.



“He’s somebody that everybody loves,” says Apatow, “and all they want is for him to say, before he starts his set, ‘I hurt a bunch of people. I want to make it right. I’m trying to figure out the best ways to do that, and now I’d like to try to make you laugh. Is that OK?’”

Isn't it fucking already implied that he's there to make you laugh, if you bought tickets to go see him?

What a hilarious way to start a set!!!!!!!!!1

Every time?

No, but until Judd Apatow is comfortable.

"I’d like to try to make you laugh. Is that OK?" does seem like an odd question to ask people who bought tickets to a comedy show but I'm sure that, as a civilian, I'm missing some of the more nuanced aspects.

Louie's all about consent

Would be hilarious if he said that then ended it with "And fuck Judd Apatow"

This is how you know apatow is a real stand up and not someone given stage time and specials he in no way deserved

it hasn't been positive

except for Louis, his millions of fans, the art of comedy, and the club owners that are raking it in.

Yeah making rooms full of people laugh is not positive at all.

Apatwat is the equivalent to the guy who only got invited to a party because he could buy alcohol in comedy.

Says the cock smoker who employed a dying junkie scumbag even though said junkie scumbag was in dire and obvious need of medical care. Giving Retartie money was the absolute worst thing anyone could have done for him at that point but he didn't care, he had the part of "degenerate heroin addict" to fill. Fucking hypocrite.

I suspect that Judd might have been burned by Louis, perhaps when Louis was at his peak. That'd explain why he's so butthurt over Louis CK.

Judd is a faggot who makes unfunny movies anyways and I'm glad Louis is back.

This has the ring of truth. Exactly the kind of passive-aggressive shit someone like him would do. And I bet he's sending out feelers to Louis right now that Louis swallowed his pride and made nice with him they could do a movie and "revive" his career.

I remember when there were bunch of leaked hollywood e-mails, a number of them were judd being just an absolute little woman

So asking for consent, getting it and then proceeding amounts to hurting people? Why because he was well known and therefore "powerful"? Didn't this cunt meet his wife on the set of one of his movies, or at the very least he was a successful producer or writer. Does that mean he hurt his wife every time he fucked her because he was the powerful one?

Judd Apatow is the worst thing to happen to comedy in the last decade. He's an absolute cancer. I hope a piano falls on him.

But the other has brave fat girls and brave addicts.

Soo much more important.

God damn Louie is such a good show

Louie's all about consent