Anthony Cumia's biggest problem (apart from the alcoholism, the pedophile tendencies, the absence of any real relationships, the hangers on, the upcoming bankruptcy and property foreclosure and his unresolved homosexuality) is a total lack of anything resembling a work ethic.

1  2019-02-08 by McGowan9

The proud stories of his idleness during his tin-knocking days; sleeping on the job, skipping work to masquerade as a heterosexual man at strip joints, the petty theft and acts of minor fraud.

On to a few years of actually trying while building a name for himself with Opie. This eventually and inevitably slips into old behaviour. Hangovers, suspiciously last minute "sick days," phoning it in on air with repetitive rants about the darkies.

Next comes his firing (a blessing in disguise for the higher-ups fed up with his indolence.) Now is his time to shine! Build his own business, pull himself up by the bootstraps and create a network that will eventually rival his former workplace. An American story. One forged by iron will, self-reliance and an indefatigable drive to succeed; no matter what stands in his way.

So he decides to "work" 2 hours a day, from 4 PM to 6 PM - the best time for him to roll out of bed after a night of drinking alone in front of his old man gaming set-up, while also allowing him the chance to go out in the evening (which he never does.) And 4 days a week. Got to have Fridays free. 8 hours a week to build a media empire. The Netflix guys keep roughly the same schedule.

Tl;dr Anthony Cumia is an unbelievably lazy nigger.


pull himself up by the bootstraps

Nice mean-spirited touch. I remember how he used that expression in judgement of unlucky people. I hope the money runs out soon.

Glad you noticed it. I remember him using it to describe himself several times. As in, "I pulled myself up by the bootstraps and made something of myself." Lol.

He said himself in his pamphlet that Joe put all the effort into making tapes and sending them out to various radio stations. Whether or not you think that's worth $70,000 a year for the rest of his life is subjective. He also has admitted many times that Opie was the one recording their early shows and shopping them around the country.

Anthony, like a less charming Forrest Gump, simply plodded along into unwitting success. Funnily enough, he lost it just as easily as he stumbled into it. Poetic justice I guess.

The Times Square incident was his fight at the black panther party.

Sue is his Jenny.

The good news is Sue will take him back once she’s dying of AIDS.

I just figured out why I hate Joe. We make the same amount of money for vastly different jobs.

Was listening to Ant on the Real Ass Podcast today and he told a story about how when he accepted the radio deal Joe got super shitty with him about quitting their band and said "You're never gonna go anywhere with this"

Idk what's sadder, the dude who'd say that to his brother and then demand a yearly allowance once your brother got rich, or the pussy who'd have their brother say that to them and then still give them an allowance

They're both so unlikeable in so many different ways.

Hope's got nothing to do with it, it's simple finances. He's hemmoraging money with none coming in.

Emphasize on soon. We had way too many filler seasons. He's running out of money for five years now.

Almost like he is... what do you call shiftless layabouts who complain about other people?

At this point even if some magical metamorphosis happened & he was actually motivated & ready to put in the work, would any one even care at this point? He’s shown his cards & he’s not relatable or likable human so it’s pretty much over for me, I could never go back to liking this man again no matter what kinda show he put together.

I do wonder if he's self aware enough to know there is no "everyone loves a comeback story" for him. The SJW side hates him and influencial conservatives, including politicians and pundits have blacklisted him. There was maybe a small chance of him making CP Media a multi-million dollar empire, but then Gavin started fucking himself with dildos on camera and Anthony was just repetitive, hungover, and boring. The total lack of interest in his book (and signing) must have hurt his ego pretty bad if nothing else.

He's a lot like Artie in a way. Over the last ten or so years he let his vices eat him alive and now he's endlessly repeating the same dozen bits over and over for an audience of dozens.