I’ve played this perfectly! O&A fans despise Opie, and they’ll never ever turn on me! I can literally do anything, and all they’ll ever talk about is Gregg’s titties. I’m in the clear! How could I possibly fuck this up?!

1  2019-02-08 by graemelloydforever


He thought he was on top of the world when he did his ama. Taking questions and laughing with his adoring fanbase

How he won't even get a "Welcome to Panera".

And it all came crashing down thanks to a weeaboo tranny. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction!

No, what did him in were his lies and his refusal to take criticism from people who still wanted to see him succeed because they desperately wanted something they could still laugh at. Most of the fucking degenerates around here don’t give two shits about transsexuals. Stupid Anthony blew it. He can’t blame that poor mentally ill boy.

Not taking the L for the Big Jay roast was his first symbolic taking of D from this sub, that's where his "tripling down on every mistake instead of laughing and learning" habit really cemented.

A ship lost its captain and drifted at sea for a whole year, ignoring every lighthouse, every flare, every cannonball flying by. That shit was bound to beach sooner than later

Nice nautical metaphors, stupid.

Leave it alone

If you knew the potatoes I had to peel to become a bona-fide seaman you'd not laugh and instead show some goddamn respect

In the end it's the hypocrisy that did him in.

The tranny thing was the least of it. I’d actually appreciate him if he was open & honest about Sue but it’s so much more than his sexuality. There’s at least a 100 reasons why Anthony fell off. One random thing is Ant turning into an infowars anchor pretty much said it all, old Anthony made fun of the ridiculousness of the over the top Alex Jones but the new Ant was all in. At the end of the day it was mostly about Ant not being funny at all & that was really the nail in the coffin.

y y y yah that's rite awrite

My loyal fans, I’m gonna make so much off my own show, no one to boss me around, no worrying about getting fired, no PC police. Keith the Cop is gonna do all the technical work, it’s gonna be great

And I can do all the bits that we can't do on Sirus/XM! It'll be great..

(one book later)

The bits all sucked, they ruined the show, and it was all Opie's fault.

This idiot kept saying he wanted to do the 55 gallon drum contest, did he ever do it?

OnA is the greatest anime

As much as we HATE Ant, Opie still does have some huge beefers...But his hot wife and outright hatred of that talentless worm Norton kind of makes up for them.

No one's seen Lyndsi post baby

They’ll have a lot of disgusting qualities, but pretty much everyone in the world does. There’s nothing these three fuckers do that we can’t look past if they were still producing a funny show. I mean, hell, a lot of the material came from some of their worst personality traits. They could 100% be exposed as scumbags and it would only help their show because they would make it funny. None of the three of them did anything that was completely unforgivable, they should have sat down in the room and worked out their issues and then when one of them was stupid enough to get fired they would’ve had enough solidarity to avoid the distraction of the radio show, or just restart it on another platform or in another form. They are completely and utterly worthless apart.

It's so beautiful watching this shithead wallow in obscurity now. He 100% deserves every bad thing that's happened to him.

Y tho

Because he’s a fucking pedo faggot porch monkey fucktard. You been under a rock, faggot?

Anthony thinks he can fool millions of years of evolution. Humans are amazingly good at telling how others are feeling based on the most subtle facial expression. You can't fake that. Maybe if you're an actor with decades of training and experience. But a shock jock can't fake that.

And brother, what I see in those eyes is misery. Misery and exhaustion, and the certain knowledge that he fucked up catastrophically.

So shut the fuck up with your constant "Everything is great! Ha ha holy shit!" charade that you've been putting on daily for the last five years, Anthony.

Most people can smell a phony. Sometimes you have a blind spot for certain types of characters, that’s understandable. We have all kinds of different people that post here, with different backgrounds and different beliefs, and it’s obvious to just about everyone how miserable the guy is. That’s a pretty big sample size. He is miserable.

After the AA show started, someone posted a sample to /r/howardstern and the main take-away was how bad Ant's phoniness was. Guys who listen to post-Marci Turk Howard watched the show and saw that Artie, the guy they all are familiar with, was semi-conscious in a heroin-induced stupor with blood pouring out of his nose, and they all wanted to know what the fuck was going on with that Anthony guy.

Looks like he uhhhhfffended some people.

I’m on top of the world, man. I co-host the second biggest comedy radio show in the world. We broadcast internationally, our daily videos get thousands upon thousands of hits, our core audience will always back us no matter what we do. No matter who we attack, thousands of our fans will plug up their phone lines and disrupt their radio shows, we are almost untouchable in the business. They even allow us to say about 90% of what we want to say. That’s about as good as you’re going to get in any industry anywhere. Sure, my partner and I don’t get along all the time, but we stay out of one another’s way for the most part and have a pretty good history and we know a cash cow when we see one! Hell, I’ve been phoning it in for two years and we still have loyal listeners who let us slide! Man, it just doesn’t get any better than this. Pretty much the only way I could fuck this up is to lose my cool on social media, probably after a night of drugs and drinking, and say something that I absolutely 100% know that I can’t get away with. But that’ll never happen! Side note? God does Lady Di’s alcoholic decision making disgust me.

I’ve always thought he either wanted to be fired, or was loaded to the point where he didn’t even know what he was typing.

Has to be. He talked for years about how that exact thing can only get you fired. That’s why, after the firing and after the making nice was over, Opie was more open about resenting Anthony’s drinking and why Jim (revisionist history aside) was sincerely happy when he thought Ant was getting help. There is NO DOUBT for anyone associated with the show that he posted while in a blackout.


What did he say? Did he say a no-no word that upset the SJW’s?

He changes his story constantly, on his show, twitter, to Alex Jones and various unlistenable podcasts. As long as the misinterpretations paint him as a victim, he nods his head and changes the subject.

In the words of Hannibal Lecter while he’s sautéing Ray Liotta’s brain and feeding it to him, if you can’t keep up with the conversation, best not to join in.

faggot posting is 100x better than this

You'd know about that, you practically invented it! 🤣

I spent years actively cultivating the fans' worst instincts and encouraging them to engage in targeted harassment campaigns against any random person who I thought it would be funny to fuck with at the time. Surely nothing bad will happen if I decide to to kick the hornet's nest because I can handle a little ribbing myself.

He thought he was the man but he just runs for the man.

Well, you did. You surpassed Opie as far as being shit, although he has always been shit as well.

Twitter literally ruined his life.

And he still gets off secretly tweeting about political bullshit that doesn't matter.

Nice try with the hate, tho.

Went from Slothshells to Trannies and jail cells.

“Pockmarks?! Hah! Holee shiit. What does that even mean?!?” punches desk

Most people can smell a phony. Sometimes you have a blind spot for certain types of characters, that’s understandable. We have all kinds of different people that post here, with different backgrounds and different beliefs, and it’s obvious to just about everyone how miserable the guy is. That’s a pretty big sample size. He is miserable.

I’ve always thought he either wanted to be fired, or was loaded to the point where he didn’t even know what he was typing.

After the AA show started, someone posted a sample to /r/howardstern and the main take-away was how bad Ant's phoniness was. Guys who listen to post-Marci Turk Howard watched the show and saw that Artie, the guy they all are familiar with, was semi-conscious in a heroin-induced stupor with blood pouring out of his nose, and they all wanted to know what the fuck was going on with that Anthony guy.