Shame about Mercedes, she made some good porn

1  2019-02-08 by RelevantField


Nice flabby gut and ass, porn guy.

Nice focus, straight guy.

I post way too much on this sub to not be a faggot.

Reminder that the jews control pornography.

NoFap is great. Gavin/Dante was generally right about this. It forces you to get it from a woman


Or be a real man and get it from a woman and jerk off.

Well thank the lord for the Jews then. That’s not entirely true either, I’m italian & my uncles were in involved in the porn business back in the day & a lot of the Italian mob has had it’s hands in the porn industry from the beginning.

That’s exactly how my uncles were, they were the only ones in the family who lived in warm areas outside of New York & Jersey & seemed to be the richest too. There was no shame on how they made their money either. God bless those men.

Jews, Italians. All just Arabs in denial.

Whatever, if you think Italians wish they looked & acted more like Germans or the English you couldn’t be more wrong. The darker hair & skin in the Italian community the welcomed you are because it’s a sign that your pure Italian.

The darker hair & skin in the Italian community the more welcomed you are because it’s a sign that you’re pure Italian.

All I've ever heard was that they were considered n words by the northern white Italians.

Cumia’s are far from the typical Italian family. Go to Italy, almost the whole country looks like the typical southern Italian besides the very northern area, north of Tuscany but the majority of the population look like typical stereotypical Italians

Cumia’s are far from the typical Italian family.

Loud, gaudy, roman pillars, beige house interior, violence, subpar intelligence, inbreeding...

What ethnic group do you come from? I assume your a mutt spawned from unattractive ancestors.

Somali & Pakistani. You are brother to me.

Don’t know what that means blood.

I remeber you, your the guy who defends horrible cheesy hair metal from the 1980’s.

That's /u/RapistWithAids. Nice deflection though, mud creature.

Oh you stole that guys name? Real original douche. Now what am I exactly deflecting exactly? I’m a “mud creature”, is that what the Nazis far right loser virgins who couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag, call Italians these days? Without the Mediterranean cultures including Arab & Jewish one’s too, the rest of Northern & Western Europe would still be living in caves blood. Wake up & learn something you weirdo.

Damn, you Niggers are touchy.

Why did you steal someone else’s identity?

italians are fucking retards who base their ethnicity off the godfather and the sopranos. Shut the fuck up about your mob uncle and finishing nailing my roof.

Goes to show that you can a dumb whore into doing anything.

I re-discovered Eva Angelina again this week, totally forgot about her for probably a couple years. I slung some goo for that chick, I'll tell ya.

that heart on her titties was what I imagined I was gooing on

Her tits are terrible

Whatever, if you think Italians wish they looked & acted more like Germans or the English you couldn’t be more wrong. The darker hair & skin in the Italian community the welcomed you are because it’s a sign that your pure Italian.