I don't care that it's faggy...

1  2019-02-08 by YangtzeRiverChina

I'm going through your post history. If you're a regular reddit user & come here to "blow of some steam" or you're a hyper-right Fred from Brooklyn wannabe, I'm going to shit on you for it. If you think you're going to slip under the radar and portray yourself as any less faggy than you actually are, fuck you it's not happening.


who are you?

Look out, everyone, this complete nobody is totally going to call you out! Try not to kill yourself after these truth bombs!

Oh yeah? Well, the jerk store called and they're all out of YOU!


Oh shit, we got one tough hombre here fellas. Better watch out for this badass and his post history looking savagery.

In response, this loser is sending me PMs. Just when you think you've witnessed the extent of someone's faggotry they surprise you and suck just a little more cock.

Only place i sincerepost is r/schizophrenia and r/curlyhair

OP don't send me PMs, just reply here. You faggot.

Fuck you I'll do both

Using people's posts against them is fine with me, but you're a fucking homo.

what a strange elderly fella this guy is. He thinks anyone cares about him "calling you out", watch out folks! This is the equivalent of Anthony checking on how many followers a person has in order to send them to obscurity! This guy is being even more autistic.

Get a load of this fuckin fagget

So you don't care that being a total faggot is faggy, got it.


Listen dude let’s just all calm down here.