Jim and Sam Listeners

1  2019-02-08 by userx9

Are any of you here or is it just me?


I have 9 hours a day to kill at work so I can't be all that picky in what I listen to. The show has its moments but also can be fucking terrible. Could they beat their outrage about "PC Culture" and "fake outrage" into the ground any further? Their political commentary is hack, contradictory, often illogical, and often exposes them as the same type of people who get outraged without knowing the whole story.

Just listen to 2006 - 2015 Ron & Fez

I like Ron as a guest but I've never listened to a full RonnFez show. I'll have to try it.

End of January 2006 is when Dave becomes an on air personality, and the show is excellent for a good 3-4 years

There are entire archives of O&A, R&F, and Stern, as well as a plethora of podcasts and audiobooks and you fucking choose J&S.

I've never really liked Stern. I listen to old o&a too. Can't really listen to audiobooks because I have to pay some attention to my work. Jim and Sam is like background noise.

Nobody here listens. They’d tell you if they did. Genuinely.

I wasn't trying to mother fuck you, honestly. I'd tell you if I was.

I listen, the show is fine

I do not want to be seen as coming at you like a dick, but how can you like the show? They are never prepared, they have no real opinions and Sam is the actual leader. Jim is never informed on anything and they are constantly bringing Troy into the mix. If you liked the Opie and Anthony show at any point then I cannot see how anyone can like this show. I am curious simply because I have tried numerous times to listen and get into the show. There is ZERO good morning radio anymore and I cannot even force myself to listen to Jim and Sam. It is so boring to me.

Jim still has quick comebacks. They're not nearly all gold but they're funny. Jim cucking to Sam is also funny, even though it's not supposed to be. Making fun of erock is still funny. Travis's mom is still MIA which is also still funny. Jim almost never does chip which is a good thing. I've always liked Mark Normand, Vos, some of the other guest comedians are funny. There was a gay comedian on a few weeks ago, Vos was late from break and he asks Vos "Did you have a hard time shitting?" and without pause Vos says "No, do you have a hard time shitting the day after it's been pushed up into you?" That's a funny old school interaction in my opinion. Just have to wade through the boring/infuriating to get to the laffs.

that's not funny , sir

You've changed my mind. I shall listen no more.

Honestly I think it's a better show than moody, lethargic, disconnected 2011-2014 O&A, and obviously the failure that immediately replaced it. People forget/weren't around for/are letting nostalgia cloud the fact that people mostly felt the show was dead by that era, with a few shots of life like the Racist Happy Days bit or when Soder started coming in. I know the sub is still milking the "Opie's avengers" trend but there's a reason the Nopie playlists were popular: the show actually flowed when the room could just shoot the shit without Opie trying to sniff out a bit to shape, and J&S mostly has the vibe of those one-off shows, and basically the exact same cast besides Anthony.

Obviously they, or anybody, can't recreate O&A in its great moment of the late 2000s, because a) J&S is two years old and it took about a decade and a half to develop/find the O&A show as we know it, so a comparison doesn't make sense in the first place (no one's listening to bootlegs of the 1994 O&A show from Worcester Mass), b) controversy spreads and blows up much faster now, and even LOS or whoever would get some backlash if they did "Slave Girl", and c) Patrice and Otto are dead, Anthony's banned, Burr's out west, Colin's busy being a respected one-man-show guy, Louis went underground, and Bobby/Vos/DiPaolo moved out of the city. They have to work with the younger guys, and Normand's definitely finding a vicious quips/weirdly unabashed/interview-upsetter role that I look forward to

Basically the silliness/pointless quickness/"tired Jimmy"/Agatha Tinsley side of O&A is what J&S does, with no Opie retelling his one-sided Stern war stories or Anthony's two-hour Trayvon rants. Lots of mean Tefft's mom jokes, etc. No big framing that they're doing anything fundamentally important and edgy like the old O&A intro would try to sell you on, nothing you can build a "pest" ideology around, less of the general anger because the cast and crew actually want to be working together, vs O&A's lie to the audience. Just some shit to laugh at

I do not want to be seen as coming at a dick but can you tell me why you care what other people like?

I do not care what anyone likes. If you actually read what I said, I was trying to find out what it was about the show he liked. I have tried to listen on a few occasions and haven't enjoyed it. If he listens, and enjoys it, maybe there are parts of the show I just am not hearing. That is why I prefaced my comment about not "attacking" what he likes but curious as to what he likes about it.

I put it on when I go to sleep then turn it off in 5 minutes cos Sam's dolphin laugh wakes me up.

Let me start by saying i would agree with all the criticism the show gets here. To me, however, the show is the opie and anthony show minus the obvious two, and erock. Its mundane, but radio is kind of inherently mundane. Its just a background noise in which jim ocassionally still makes me laugh. I wouldnt be all that upset if the show went off the air

I've never really liked Stern. I listen to old o&a too. Can't really listen to audiobooks because I have to pay some attention to my work. Jim and Sam is like background noise.