Movies coming out this year that don't look like shit 2/10

1  2019-02-08 by RelevantField


Dude, I’m peaking, dude.

we're really strapped for conversation material aren't we?

This looks like it could ruin his imaculate filmography, irreversibly.

It was pretty good. When they dropped in Aphex Twin towards the end, it took me out of it a bit because all I could think about was JP's office in Grandma's Boy. Outside of that, some pretty inventive camera work, decent story, and a wild last 20 minutes

It’s a musical/horror. Pick a genre, stupid.

His last movie was terrible. This is likely to be horse shit too, like all the director's movies. It's probably going to look phenomenal, though.

I’ve watched Enter the Void like 3 times and it was great for the first 40 minutes or so then I kind of just lose steam and never make it to the end.

I wanna see the Mel movie